17 pink tiles
19 green tiles
4 red tiles
29 orange/yellow tiles
30 blue tiles
12 pink
6 green
8 red
9 yellow
5 blue
^Ignore that up there^
I was just noting a few things; the caption is below.
Now that I think about it... this caption is a bit long for a caption -.-
Oh well.
"Okay... so there are 99 tiles in this room, and 40 balloons. Of the tiles: 17 are pink, 19 are green, 4 are red, 29 are orange or yellow, and 30 are blue. Then there are the balloons, of which 12 are pink, 6 are green, 8 are red, 9 are yellow, and 5 are blue. Only red and blue match up properly, though; only they create simplified fractions. 4r Tiles to 8r Balloons; 30b Tiles to 5b Balloons. So that equates to 1T:2B red and 6T:1B blue. There are too many red balloons compared to tiles, sooo... the 9 mil that I was promised must be in THIS blue balloon on THIS red tile!!!
AHA! I FOUND... you?
There's nothing here! In fact, there's no money anywhere!!
But that guy that I gave 8k to for ensurance said...
Hey, where'd that guy go anyways?!"
29-Jul-2011 23:36:54