
Forum Language Changes Thread is locked

Quick find code: 254-255-107-62961611

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 3,363 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Congratulations Jagex, many people in my clan said that they're quitting the game because updates like this, but that also means less memberships for you. And I'm sure a lot of people are quitting for this too.
And, when you see less membership money next month, you'll remember many posts in various threads of this update.
Is sad, because all of this updates are for money, it's very clear, you don't need to lie. Money only destroy and divide because of the ambition.
But the funny part is that you CAN make money with the forums by putting adverts on the forums like In-game.

18-Jul-2011 06:19:42

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex i have read every single page of this thread I use the English forum. But i dont think you should do this update. Look at everyone that has asked you not to do this.
Do their words mean nothing?
Do the players not make the forums?
Why change something that so many disagree with?
Many people are upset from this. Alot of my friends are sadden to see two great jmods go Mod Moonie and Mod Petal,
I went to moonies partys they were fun. She was the only person that got me into the games room. She was a friend of my friend and this had upset him. I might not have understood a word a few people have said in the partys because alot of the spoke dutch but it was still fun. I was shocked when my friend told me about mod moonie was gone.
I was even more shocked to find out that her accont was deleted from the game. So many people hanged out in her cc.
Why get rid of the partys?
Why get rid of a fun time in the games room?
The questions i have asked i know may be weird but we need to know why?
Why force everyone to do the same thing?
Is being an individual a bad thing?
Please answer a few of my questions. I know you may not be about to answer a few of them but some of them you may. Please
and nothing was spoiled :P

18-Jul-2011 07:02:45



Posts: 612 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex, for real? You think we dont use our forums? Look again, finnish forum. We all know, Finland is small country, still we use it very much. I cant see why deleting it, cuz no1 of us will use english forums after.

18-Jul-2011 16:30:37

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