I have no problems with any of what Roe has posted, and it's clear the whole of the wizard's tower's background come's from old W41 and the alt canon that got established and again, no problems there.
Personally this Hexer Division, I think a better name would simply by 'The Hex', spoke to you in-game and you told me they were basically mercenaries of magic and I like that a lot.
Consider the wizard's tower and magic as a whole to be the main feature right now, everyone else needs to get in on this. I've a few ideas regarding the council and stuff but nothing that means to completely change what you've posted, Roe, so here goes?
The Guild was the first kind of structure built around researching and learning magic so when the council was then eventually set up from here i'm not too sure how it'd become a puppet; simply, The Guild should be where most of the important council meetings take place, where the council operates from.
You've spoke about there being FIVE mages at the council table this makes sense too; i'd say four, one for each element, but that could mean votes on either side. Similarly to the duke these positions could be filled out as a sort of secondary character for one of us to play. One specialising in each of the elements and then summoning probably makes sense, right?
14-Apr-2016 18:23:09