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Fizzy Blood

Fizzy Blood

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The new thread

As you should have all noticed, this here is the new thread, including everything in World 41, not just the region of Sarimmington; I ask that everyone involved in World 41 post their ideas for... well, everything. This here is where we'll be establishing this new canon, the new lore on everything, so, get posting your ideas on cities, what the white knights could be the grand exchange, who rules where, what recent events could be to determine certain areas, etc etc. I'll begin combining certain ideas that i've had already for places and if anyone has any objections as they feel they may have a better idea, speak up and we'll work on figuring stuff out.

13-Apr-2016 23:25:20 - Last edited on 13-Apr-2016 23:25:29 by Fizzy Blood

Jul Member 2023


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The Talons

The Talons are a skilled Sell-Sword Company. They go where the coin does, and have a solid reputation in the Southern Asgarnian regions as reliable soldiers. Their training is rigorous, and they have never failed or abandoned a contract. They have no main base of operations, rather, their camp moves as it wills every so often. They have many posters through Southern Asgarnia that read

The Talon Mercenaries

Trouble with bandits, brigands, or pirates? Need some muscle to do your dirty work? Then the Talons are right for you. The Talon's are capable of protecting you and yours, for a fee. The Talon's are battle tested, and loyal. You know you'll get your money's worth, as the Talons have never failed to complete a contract! The Talons are camped just West of Sarim and are currently looking for both members and contracts. Interested? See Captain Talvar at our Camp.

Contact Meraxies to get involved!
"Freedom is the opportunity to do what is right."
W41 Squad
| The Grand City

14-Apr-2016 01:33:33 - Last edited on 14-Apr-2016 01:40:41 by Magnickicent

Nov Member 2023


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The Wizards Tower

The Wizards Tower, one of the best Magic Schools in the world. But at one time, it was also the most troublesome. 22 Years ago the school operated more like a guild than a school, taking on jobs and causing a ruckus. Once the Magic Council stepped in, the Tower was remodeled to what it is today. Under the current Grand Archmage, the Tower offers a multitude of classes on magic and magical creatures, the Tower offers a safe place to study and train a mages talent.

The students are organized into five groups according to their magic style, called schools. Each school is based on an elemental type and headed by an Archmage. Fire is lead by Roe Umbra. Water is lead by (Insert name here). Earth is lead by (Name here). Air is lead by (Insert name). The Archmages teach classes on magic to the members of their school, but also teach more broad classes to the majority. But like many schools, there are multiple classes taught by different teachers. The teachers of the Tower are called Preceptors.

Like other schools, the Tower is allowed to send students out on jobs, but these jobs are small and local, giving no threat of serious harm (Or embarrassment) to the Council.

But even under the close eye of the Council, the Tower still holds secrets.
Shadow Golems Pls

14-Apr-2016 17:48:06

Nov Member 2023


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Known as the "Jewel of the West", Kandarin is separated from Asgarnia and Misthalin by a large mountain range and the ocean, making travel difficult. Unlike the other kingdoms, Kandarin sports a large magic population and is allied with the Magic Council, giving aid when ever it is needed. Kandarin experienced a rich economical prosperity, partly due to the large magic population needing runes and various other trinkets all the time. Because of this, Kandarin has shown it's approval of magic, going so far as to fund research on magic, leading to many advanvements.

By the start of the 6th age the King of Kandarin appointed a Council member as his Royal Advisor and granded the Magic Guild Yanille and the land around it, raising the question "How involved should the Council be in politics?"
Shadow Golems Pls

14-Apr-2016 17:52:41

Nov Member 2023


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Hex Breakers

Hex Breakers are an elite group of mage. Their authority is only beaten by the Magic Council, allowing them to use the schools and guilds anyway they see fit. This has led them to be feared by the community, and grant them the nickname "Council Dogs".

When a mage turns 16, they are allowed to apply for Hexer Trials. They are then reviewed and if they are chosen, they undergo a secret trial to see if they are capable of being a Hex Breaker. Should one fail, their knowledge of the test is erased and will only know that they failed.

Like the name suggests, Hex Breakers are able to break hexes and curses. But once a mage reaches the ranks of Hex Breaker, they are given access to a multitude of spells to aid them in their jobs. Along with this, they are given a bestiary on creatures they may encounter. This ranges from hellrats to Demons. The mage is also given a rank and title based upon the results of the second trial. And they receive a badge to prove their rank.

Now, while it isn't required, Hex Breakers are allowed to form teams.
Shadow Golems Pls

14-Apr-2016 17:52:43 - Last edited on 14-Apr-2016 18:26:39 by RoeTheBard

Nov Member 2023


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Magic Guild/Magic Council

While mostly considered one and the same, the Magic Council is made up of the five strongest and most respected of the guilds mages. The Guild and Council are located in the city of Yanille on the southern border of Kandarin. The Council was started by the Magic Guild in order to reign in control of the magic community. Because the Guild was the largest organization within the community, no one could oppose them. While each school has a representative to the council, smaller guilds do not, and thus cannot voice concerns to the Council. But even the representatives hold so little sway, being nothing more than a formality.

The Guild is nothing more than a puppet of the Council, teaching mages and carrying out any order they give with joy, and consider themselves the greatest group out of the other schools and guild.

In order to keep control of the mages, some theorize than any who speak against the council are sent to secret prisons, or executed, due to a few mysterious disappearances of individuals and entire guilds. The Council, obviously, denies that such prisons exist. But one can never be too sure...

Within the last few years, Connor Hathaway proposed the creation of the Hex Breakers, an elite classification of mage given the authority of the council. The Council viewed this as a means to spread their influence around the world, so the agreed and placed Connor in charge of the newly established Hexer Division.

In order to undergo Hexer Trials, a mage must be 16 years old and upon passing the first trial are no longer allowed to be a member of a guild, owing their allegiance to the Guild.
Shadow Golems Pls

14-Apr-2016 18:07:15 - Last edited on 14-Apr-2016 18:30:22 by RoeTheBard

Nov Member 2023


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Arcane Historia

Arcane Historia, also referred to as Magic History, is a shadow organization within the Magic Community created to keep peace between mages and mortals, and to investigate the Guild and Council. While regarded to as an urban legend, Historia is made up of members of the magic guilds and schools, having eyes and ears everywhere, except within the Guild. In order to keep hidden Historia has four leaders, one in each kingdom referred to as Librarians. Members within the kingdoms only know who their Librarian is and who else in their guild are apart of Historia, and run jobs within their respective kingdom.

Unknown to the Council, the Hex Breakers are all members of Arcane Historia. But that may soon change with the pressure of the guilds wanting to have some of their members become Hex Breakers.
Shadow Golems Pls

14-Apr-2016 18:14:51

Fizzy Blood

Fizzy Blood

Posts: 1,885 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have no problems with any of what Roe has posted, and it's clear the whole of the wizard's tower's background come's from old W41 and the alt canon that got established and again, no problems there.

Personally this Hexer Division, I think a better name would simply by 'The Hex', spoke to you in-game and you told me they were basically mercenaries of magic and I like that a lot.

Consider the wizard's tower and magic as a whole to be the main feature right now, everyone else needs to get in on this. I've a few ideas regarding the council and stuff but nothing that means to completely change what you've posted, Roe, so here goes?

The Guild was the first kind of structure built around researching and learning magic so when the council was then eventually set up from here i'm not too sure how it'd become a puppet; simply, The Guild should be where most of the important council meetings take place, where the council operates from.

You've spoke about there being FIVE mages at the council table this makes sense too; i'd say four, one for each element, but that could mean votes on either side. Similarly to the duke these positions could be filled out as a sort of secondary character for one of us to play. One specialising in each of the elements and then summoning probably makes sense, right?

14-Apr-2016 18:23:09

Nov Member 2023


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Yeah, why not. But the reason I said the Guild was more of a puppet is because the Council members come from the Guild and the Guild alone. It also further iterates a more tyrannical position to the council, and to mix in the egotistical ******** they're shown to be in-game.

Also had two posts on Kandarin so I changed one to be the Hex Breakers. And yeah, it is kind of a long name. To be honest, my characters will refer to them as Hexers most of the time
Shadow Golems Pls

14-Apr-2016 18:33:42 - Last edited on 14-Apr-2016 18:37:13 by RoeTheBard

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