Many, many miles away, in the wastelands of Forinthry, tied to a pole in the middle of a marauder campsite, sat Talvar and Aeldrïn. They sat there, back to back against the pole, talking in low voices. "Far as I can tell, they're taking us to a fort." Talvar said, in little more than a whisper. "The buildings in this godsforsaken place may be ancient, but damn, did they know how to build dungeons. If they get us in there, the only way we're getting out is by them burying us, if they don't just leave our corpses there to rot." Aeldrïn shifted about in his spot, trying stand a little, just to see if he could. He almost stood, when a rock pelted him in the stomach, as one of the marauders shouted, "stay on your ass, elf!"
Aeldrïn grunted at he was hit, and fell to the floor. "Well," the elf said, "if you have any brilliant ideas, I'm all ears." They sat there in silence for a few minutes, until Talvar had an idea...
"Freedom is the opportunity to do what is right."
W41 Squad
The Grand City