
/ Doom at the Name [W41] /

Quick find code: 237-238-984-65777589

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 2,114 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Character name/title - Ali Elid

Age - 39

Religion - Desert Pantheon

D&D Alignment - Chaotic Good

Race - Kharidian Human

Gender - Male

Personality - Vigilante. Ali's not afraid to cross lines, though he does have a sensitive side to him, leading to hypocrisy at times. He thrives off of attention, and a deeply-rooted sense of self-importance causes personal problems for him.

Appearance - Ali carries dark skin, black hair, and amber-colored eyes. He's somewhat short at 5'6, and his body is muscular but poorly maintained, he's got several cuts from poor jobs at shaving, his fingernails are torn, and he's got unattended rashes from long periods on the road.

Strengths - Exceptionally powerful fire wizard, and can move silently.

Weaknesses - Not particularly clever, Ali's raw strength can be outmaneuvered fairly easily, provided he doesn't happen to have a counter-measure in his cloak of tricks. His self-centered nature makes him a poor team player.

History - Born in Pollivneach, Ali left to study magic at the Wizard's Tower when he was 17. Here he learned the basics of fire magic, before setting off on his own, working for many years as a lone adventurer under the secret identity of "Ali Man".
41 squad

13-Apr-2016 02:52:12 - Last edited on 15-Apr-2016 01:21:02 by Sonicteej

Sir Roderek

Sir Roderek

Posts: 196 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Character name/title - Revan Ascantii/The Assassin

Age - 35

Religion - Zamorakian

D&D Alignment - Chaotic Evil

Race - Human

Gender - Male

Personality - Quiet and reserved, although violent outbursts do occur. Despises Saradominists and Zarosians. Takes honor very seriously, as well as life-debts.

Appearance - Revan wears black armor and a hood that conceals his face. Under the hood lies a rather youthful face with crimson hair, and a neatly trimmed mustache.

Strengths - Revan is a very capable warrior. He's a brilliant tactician in small battles, and can be rather persuasive when he wants something.

Weaknesses - During battle, Revan has a tendency to go rogue and berserk. Despite his persuasive demeanor, he often tries too hard, leading to more harm than good being done.
History -
Revan Ascantii was born in Lumbridge, much like his father and his grandfather before him. By the age of 7, his life had gone downhill. His father was an abusive alcoholic, and his mother was hardly home, as she was working at a ******* in Varrock. Sick of his mother's absence and his father's daily mental and physical abuse, Revan turned to Zamorak as his guide. Learning to read by himself, he began learning that he was more capable than he thought. At age 12, Revan committed fratricide and fled his boyhood home to Al-Kharid.He was drawn to a cave in the desert, and there he found a book written by Roderek Ascantii, detailing the art of combat and warfare,as well as some of Roderek's personal belongings. He drooled over the book, reading it daily, taking in every word. At the age of 20, he began taking hit contracts in Al-Kharid, and by age 25, his assassinations expanded to Lumbridge and Varrock. At 27, he would carry out a contract on his mother. It was on this contract that he was jailed. He was released at the age of 33, and has since been living in silence and shadows....Waiting for a chance to redeem himself.

13-Apr-2016 02:52:51

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 559 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Character application

Character name/title - Olyvar Hardeen

Race - Half Elf, half Human

Age - 144

Gender - Male

Religion - Unaligned

D&D Alignment - I would say Neutral Evil

Personality - Olyvar is a hard man, little tolerance for failure and treason. Unafraid to give out harsh punishments. Many times, he has a very "if you want something done right, you must do it yourself" attitude toward things. Other than his brother, Olyvar really seems to be out for only himself.

Appearance - Olyvar is a tall, red haired man. He has a small scar on his left cheek that's hidden by a thick red beard. He has pale, blue eyes that seem to pierce you with a look, if he's angry.

Strengths - Olyvar is trained with many different types of weaponry, such as scimitars, axes, spears, and daggers. One of the things that make him deadly is his unusual perseverance and cunning. However, his main strength is his telekinetic powers, which he can use on command.

Weaknesses - Olyvar can get cocky, and sometimes this leads him to overlook things, which can make him vulnerable. He is also viable to have outbursts of anger when something happens that hinders his goals.

History - Olyvar and his twin were the product of a elven man and a human woman, and their father did not stick around long enough to even know the mother was carrying them. They were born in a poorer region of Ardounge, and watch as their mother did everything she could possibly do to feed them, including some rather unpleasant things. When they grew older, their mother was entertaining a "guest", who, in a drunken fit, ended up killing her. Olyvar and his brother, triggered by extreme emotion, discovered their psychic powers, Olyvar gaining telekenesis, and his twin gaining the power to look into minds. The twins killed the drunk, and decided they would need to run.
"Freedom is the opportunity to do what is right."
W41 Squad
| The Grand City

13-Apr-2016 03:05:36

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 559 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As they were out on the run, they took to thievery, and eventually the crimes grew in seriousness. They stole weapons, and trained with them. They used their powers to mug, and kill, depending on how they felt during their escapades. Eventually, the bounty that was placed on them grew so large, they fled across the ocean to Asgarnia, where they continued their lifestyle.

Eventually, as they travelled, they decided to amass a band of marauders to be able to have more security should they ever come across more large bounties, and what better place to gather and train underlings without notice than The Wilderness? And so, they set out, and they did indeed come across bands of bandits, whom they were able to bring under their control with displays of force. Recently, the group heard of an Imperial mine that is ripe for the taking, and plan to seize it.
"Freedom is the opportunity to do what is right."
W41 Squad
| The Grand City

13-Apr-2016 03:06:09

Fizzy Blood

Fizzy Blood

Posts: 1,885 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Ali Elid is accepted, i'll add him to the cast.

Sir Roderek

Revan Ascantii is accepted, i'll add him too!


get a life
Olyvar Hardeen, last but not least, is also accepted.

Thread is still incomplete but yeah, throw applications here, guys. Any characters you might now have applied for in A Region of Tales or characters I might have forgotten about, tell me here so I can add them.

13-Apr-2016 13:15:38

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