religious heirlooms had been stolen or destroyed, and the graves.... several of them had been desecrated as well, we formed a mob and began looking for the Travelers, but they were gone, on the fifht day people began dissapering from their homes, the youngest and the oldest, we called for help from nearby villages and fortress, but help never came"
"on the eight day, everything went to hell, they attacked the Village, it was horrible, monsters, they were monsters, what you see now, they were alive! alive and walking, they arrived and began murdering people, burning houses, burning everything! and the travelers were with them, controling them.... they were Necromancers by Saradomin! dark magic users! eventually we managed to kill them.... again, alongsides some of the Necros, but the rest escaped, I bet they are still around somewhere...."
the Elder finished his tale with a sigh, looking at the bodies for one last time before walking away, leaving the Knights to their business
"Necromancers, traveling to the North, looks like it wasn't a fake rumor or a joke, it was true"
-The squire said grimly and with fear, looking at the bodies with disgust, Dragomir sighed as he slowly turned around to walk away as well-
"I feared that, i really hoped they were only myths.... Sir Arkisor, travel around the village and gather some volunteers, arm then and present them to me, we are going to scout the area to search for the Necromancers"
Dragomir said as he walked to their camp in the outskirts of the village, sighing as he placed his helmet back on
By Saradomin, what the hell is going on....~
17-Apr-2016 00:52:38