My monster-hunter walked downstairs from the top floor of the Rising Sun, grumbling about how it was "loud and annoying partying." This obnoxiously dressed, robed woman replied with something about being a "Bodyguard of the kingdom of Zaros and I want to take care of your problem and You'll pay me" I replied that "Actually, I was just leaving anyway. Go on back to your drinks, lass, it's not a problem anyway. Let them enjoy their party."
I walked out of the bar and within three minutes she approached me
"They're dead. Now reward me."
Needless to say, my character flipped out, attacking her for the sake of avenging those poor young NPCs partying upstairs. Eventually I stabbed her, at which point my longsword (which is 'decorated' with enough silver to behead a werewolf, blessed, enchanted, dipped in the River Salve, and blessed again. My character really hates zamorakian monsters.) "Phases through her" and she walks away laughing.
I find out, OOC, that her character is "A prophet of Zaros" who is "Both there and not there at the same time, so she can DO damage but not BE damaged becuz Zaros."
I now have a blacklist of one person.
25-Feb-2013 08:23:23