So me (God 0f Lore) And my friend (Distant Moon) Walk to the second floor of falador bar and sit down. Then this happens and at the end I was like "Wtf...."
Guy: Im an assassin and hav been hired to kill bandos generals.
Guy: I had to kill one of the bandos commanders to get my disguise.
Me: You must be the /worst/ assassin in the world.
Guy2: Side? -looks at the man- im not on any mission
guy1: I know.
Guy2: Im on my own
Me: =God, these two are idiot's.=
guy1: ((shut up if you have a problem with it, its call roleplaying))
Guy2:~sides? pfft... gotta love the weak minded.~
girl1:=They usually are.... when they are suppose to be an assassin... and they come in full armor...=
me: ((....))
guy1: sides. yes foolish.
me: ((What in the ****...))
Guy2: ((not a assasin dumb ****
guy1:but this is a mission of convergence
girl1: ((The other guy said he was an assassin... *Facedesk*))
guy2: ((pay the **** attention and you may have realized that im not one
(pay the ****a ttention and you would of realised I was never talking about you))
Guy2: ((not you))
guy2: ((I was directing that at god))
Me: ((I was obviously talking to the guy who said "I'm an assassin" So get your damn facts straight.))
guy1: ((**** falador is the worse place to roleplay with fails like u god of lore. even if u try to make frends. im going somehwere else))
Me: ((....What just happened?...))
A werewolf dodged a crossbow and throwing knife at point blank. Then proceeded to jump out the window to his escape.
We were in a basement under ground. I also had a wolf's bane dagger...
I know that this is not in-game, but I just had to share this. Someone just spammed my thread for saying that "Zaros sucks" and "Zamorak and Bandos own him 1000x." Unbelievable.