*›,¸¸,‹**›,¸¸,‹**›,¸¸,‹**›,¸¸,‹**›,¸¸,‹*A Gentle Departure*›,¸¸,‹**›,¸¸,‹**›,¸¸,‹**›,¸¸,‹**››,¸¸,‹*
It was evening, and news spread like wildfire. A page simply rapped upon the door of Senna's study with all but himself - no letter. Simply walking forth without being ushered to by the Queen, her eyes gunned him down as he proceeded to speak.
"Your Majesty, your brother - The King Rhames of Camelot, is dead."
Senna's stare did not waver. Her words rolled out softly simultaneous to her expression calming,
"I pray a Vekon was not responsible?"
"No, your Majesty."
A sigh followed. The page left. She spoke to herself.
"Little brother, while our battles did exist, I am sorry someone sent you on your way. Humbled it wasn't myself that brought your death, you - and my sister, did not ever deserve this. All of my full siblings are dead. Our father is dead. I pray for our mother. I'll live for us all. Not just Alise anymore, but for you as well. I'm sorry, little brother."
Following her testimony to herself, Senna sat atop the rooftop of the castle, looking out over her Kingdom.
Right action is better than knowledge; but in order to do what is right, we must know what is right.
| Alli, the Eternal | Women Shi Zui Hao De Pengyou