Tonight was a write-off, but that's alright, IRL comes first. Every cloud has a silver lining; this particular silver lining came as I was dealing with some coffee shakes (I don't normally drink the stuff, so it hits me like the proverbial train) and was running through the plot in my head when I realised I wanted to take the plot - tonight's roleplay included - in a slightly different direction. That wouldn't have been able to happen if we'd done it tonight, so it's all good.
We'll find a time in the week when you're all free. For my part, I can't do Thursday or Friday this week but every other night is fine. If we provisionally book in Wednesday at, say, 11pm BST again, how does that sit for all of you?
One man's trash is another's treasure, and one man's cash buys another's pleasure.
So I'll rob from the cradle, and I'll rob from the grave; it's just human traffic, and I'm just a slave.
18-Apr-2016 00:51:01