I think people are ignoring the fact you can basically do what everyone does with a pok without being a pok. The only difference is you dont get to tell x-person or y-group they dont exist withing their land. If you take away the power to essentially keep a person or group from being acknowledged for whatever reason its better overall. People need to work together not use their pok as a means to force others into your solution as has happened in many pok's over the years. Do your political intrigue with noble houses. You can be grand pubah of Draynor and do throne room style rp still just without being on a fancy seat.
PoK's have a way of warping even the most noble cause into a community issue. Getting rid of pok's doesn't solve every issue, but it gives everyone a more even playing field to present their issues instead of a select few groups holding all the cards. Nobody is forcing the pok's to go away just many are tired of the stress and bs that surrounds pok's. There has not been a single pok that did not do something controversial.
To those vehemently opposing the pok abolition tough. Seems like half the world is going to do it. Nobody is going to force any who dont want to let go, go along. They just end up being the only pok's left. A lot of people seem to want this and imo let this have a chance before kicking and screaming. More bs has come from pok's than not. In my experience the most successful rp's have been done by groups that aren't associated with a pok. -
14-Jan-2017 19:13:08