Love this thread. Perhaps we should have an official thread on the differences between metals and how well say mithril armour holds out against steel weapons. I know mithril is obviously better than steel, but the question is how much better. I must think on making a thread for metal.
Khaji Ro out.
Hmmm... sounds like people want a guide to metals as well, eh?
We need to collaborate on how to come up with an effective source-citing system that the mods won't have to hide messages over. Although I will say that some of the information on the roleplay help & guide is similar to what's here. But that thread does chainmail and plate, while this does plate exclusively.
Yup, it beats plate armor. Unless the person with plate armor was not only rich enough to legitimately have it, but also:
-have the gambeson be made of magic-supportive cloth, the same kind mages use
-weave fungal strands from the polypore dungeon through the gambeson
-have elemental metal chainmail welded/held over the gaps between plates
A deviant way to get around a weakness to magic by reducing such a weakness. The first way mentioned could easily be used by battle mages to allow spellcasting in plate armor.
Amount of times I've seen common men-at-arms flouncing round in plaemail. Is. Unreal.
Also, another way to beat platemail, is to have MORE people with platemail. Bcuz 10 Knights beat 1. Logic'd.
^Agree with too many "lackeys" having platemail. While one could claim that dwarves make platemail more common as it could be more easily manufactured, there's still the cost of plate armor and so on.
I agree with the amount of numbers of plate-users verse another plate user, unless the roleplayers behind the more populted side don't know anything about combat and the one actually does (although the knowledge gap would have to be rather large.)