
A Quick Guide to In-Game RP Thread is locked

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Dec Member 2010


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The symbols listed in the aforementioned post are universal symbols understood by role-players and learned in-game, and in groups, which were later added to the previous incarnations of the "n-Game Roleplaying Guide & Help" thread, to keep an organized list of the symbols. While both threads list the same symbols, the similarities end in their definitions.

The Quick-Intro thread places the name term, and the symbol for it, whereas the Guide thread proceeds to further explain and define the terminology with their corresponding symbols, and provide an example of their use. Additionally, the Guide thread has two more symbols that the Quick-Intro lacks, identified as Commorb and Mental Persuasion. As these are universal symbols in roleplay used on many group threads, and in-game itself, there is no need to remove them from either thread, as they both serve their intended function whilst differing in the type of thread they are presented in. The Guide thread elaborating and expanding further from the nature of aiming to guide the reader, while the Quick-Intro thread lists them in a straightforward and clear manner.

The last area of similarity comes in the form of the post titled “Tips for in-game roleplaying” on the Quick-Intro thread, and the post titled “The Rules” on the Guide thread.

In Quick-Intro, the following list is presented: RunScape Rules Apply, Language, Appropriate Topics, Naming and Shaming, Trolling and Spamming.

The format they are presented in list them as general pointers and suggestions for the reader to consider when roleplaying in-game. The Guide-thread lists the following as specific rules a roleplayer should follow:

Don'ts: Godmodding/God mode'ing, Being "overpowered", Lorebreaking, Metagaming, Extensive Powerplaying, Play the World Guardian.

Do's: Cooperation, be Courteous, Just be a nice person. Take action against rule breakers.

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23-Jul-2018 01:28:36 - Last edited on 23-Jul-2018 01:48:12 by Eridyn

Dec Member 2010


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Once more, the Quick-Intro thread simply lists the above information as tips, whereas the Guide thread lists them as definitive rules. Despite some overlap in terminologies that, again, many roleplayers practice, there is no need at this time to change the content of either thread in regards to the presented information.

Now, with the similarities ended, the following posts will reflect the differences as I see them, and then my feedback regarding both threads and overall opinion.

To begin, as mentioned before, there is a major difference in the tone of writing that each thread presents their information. Both tones of the thread are evident within their introduction posts; The Quick-Intro thread presents a more straightforward and neutral tone, using phrasing such as the following:

CrocoNuts said :

What will follow is a small one page introduction on how to get involved and will provide you with some generic information about in-game roleplay.

The Guide-thread, however, uses an aforementioned satirical tone using phrasing such as:

RiDaku said :

The official world for what this thread represents is World 42 , but of course RolePlay can happen anywhere! Your ability to get it done without interruptions isn't guaranteed, though, off-world.

The major differences in tone, can be seen in the way the Quick-Intro thread presents its "Tips for in-game roleplaying" and the way the Guide-thread presents it's "Do's". The Quick-Intro thread presents its tips in an encouraging tone:

CrocoNuts said :

Here are just a few guidelines that we'd like to reminder players to try and follow, out of respect for themselves and other players; See these as tips to keep things fun for yourself.

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| "A flame can never be a star, no matter how bright it burns." -

23-Jul-2018 01:31:15 - Last edited on 23-Jul-2018 02:12:24 by Eridyn

Dec Member 2010


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Whereas the Guide-thread presents its "Do's" in less of an advisory, and encouraging manner, and in a more blatantly curt form:

RiDaku said :

Just be a nice person : Really. Have some chill.

I do not doubt the intention of the thread creator as aiming to be amicable and lighthearted, however there are some things that may need to be considered rewritten, such as the quote mentioned above, as they can be perceived as being presented as ridiculing the reader, that may be a potentially new roleplayer looking to join the communtiy.

An example of a potentially ridiculing form of phrasing used in both threads is the use of the term "Common Sense" in the following posts:

CrocoNuts said :

• Appropriate Topics
Use a bit of common sense, and keep topics appropriate for ages for our community's language at around 13. People that want to do things that go beyond this often agree upon this in private or within their group.

RiDaku said :

Be Courteous : Mostly common sense, but you’d be surprised how many people are not courteous...[sic]

While both are intended to be presented in an informative manner, it is easy to mistake the tone as being one of ridicule, at least in my view, and is not something that should be reflected in community stickies.

There is feedback I have for the entirety of both threads, but as they are in a much larger scope than the criteria of the questions presented by the Forum Moderator team, I will refrain from posting them here, and provide the feedback elsewhere.

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| "A flame can never be a star, no matter how bright it burns." -

23-Jul-2018 01:32:46 - Last edited on 23-Jul-2018 02:16:12 by Eridyn

Dec Member 2010


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In summation, while there is some overlapping terminology and similarities in each thread given their shared topic of information, being In-Game Roleplaying, there is enough differentiation for each thread to keep the information they present. Despite the aforementioned overlaps and similarities, neither thread directly takes the content of the other and plagiarizes it, as both are presenting terms that have existed long before either thread did.

Additionally, I find that there is no need for either thread to be un-stickied, or deleted. I would argue that the threads have the potential to work in tandem with one another, despite the fact there appears to be some discrepancies with the information presented by the Guide-thread as being "outdated." Both threads have the capacity to work in tandem with one another, if, there is willing cooperation and consensus from the community members that take interest and are invested in the content of both threads.

There is already an existing example of the threads working in tandem with the suggestion placed by the "A Quick Intro to RS Roleplay" thread that is encouraging the reader, or potential new roleplayer to read the "In-Game Roleplay Help & Guide" if they require broader definitions or understanding of roleplay that is not presented in the Quick-Intro thread. This example can be seen below:

CrocoNuts said :

This is but a small introduction , a welcome, to RSRP. For more in-depth information on how to roleplay on RuneScape, go visit the In-Game RolePlay Guide & Help . This is a much more elaborate thread with more information, examples and other tools to help smoothen your RuneScape roleplay experience.

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| "A flame can never be a star, no matter how bright it burns." -

23-Jul-2018 01:32:59 - Last edited on 23-Jul-2018 02:40:47 by Eridyn

Jul Member 2010


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RiDaku said :
This is my last post on the subject,
[off-topic snip]

this is my last post here,
[off-topic snip]

Seeing as this is the source of the initial
(if not only?)
complaint regarding the Intro, I think it is safe to assume we hereby consider this case closed and that we will all be happy with 2 stickies for our community.

That being said. We will now continue to improve the Intro thread. The following weeks, I will personally reach out to people who I've seen post constructive criticism regarding the content of this thread. That way, we can make it better together.

Big thanks to everyone who took out some time to give this thread a read and their feedback,
Quickly learn how to Roleplay on RuneScape!

I am bad and that's good, I will never be good and that's not bad, there's no one I'd rather be than me.

24-Jul-2018 11:56:31

Mod Poerkie

Mod Poerkie

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Hey all, I'll drop my few cents here.

I think both threads are worth existing and not one of them should be 'The Guide'
Instead I'd like to see it more collaboration and discussion going on between ridaku & Croconuts in private.

I think that cooperation will get this community a lot further, in particular because it isn't the biggest around..

I see the two guides a little bit like this:
Croconuts' guide could give a good 1 page overview into how Role-playing in RS works.
Ridaku's guide could act as a reference guide, where everything is written in much more detail.

I'd hope this will kick start some good collaboration between the two of you, this means that both guides might need a few little adjustments to make it more of a whole 'All you need to to know about RS Role-playing, both for new and old players'.

Mod poerkie
Community Manager! @JagexPoerkie

25-Jul-2018 11:44:48

Jul Member 2010


Posts: 2,824 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Poerkie said :
I think both threads are worth existing and not one of them should be 'The Guide'
Instead I'd like to see it more collaboration and discussion going on between ridaku & Croconuts in private.

I see the two guides a little bit like this:
Croconuts' guide could give a good 1 page overview into how Role-playing in RS works.
Ridaku's guide could act as a reference guide, where everything is written in much more detail.

I like this. This is a good direction to head to!
Quickly learn how to Roleplay on RuneScape!

I am bad and that's good, I will never be good and that's not bad, there's no one I'd rather be than me.

25-Jul-2018 22:10:08

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