The God of Chaos
Zamorak is the god of chaos, with the elements of destruction and power often being attributed to him. He was once of the Mahjarrat race, and has a majority of his following in Asgarnia located in shadows and pockets across Asgarnia.
Zamorak's ideals are often construed as evil, but in truth they are the epitome of what he feels made the Mahjarrat great. Conflict, discord, and overall struggle to rise above what is left, for the power and glory that you seek.
Zamorak isn't even in favour of total chaos, merely a counter-balance to the order of the status quo to build conflict. He believes his ideas, while some will fall, will strengthen mortals as a whole. As a result, it is safe to say Zamorak is the personification of progress and Darwin's ideas of survival of the fittest and natural selection, as well as the more advanced theories of group evolution as a result.
Zamorak's followers struggle with these ideas. Some, as mere pawns to the greater cause feel Zamorak truly is evil, and go about their lives to spread mischief and wrongdoing. Others realize the truth of his message, and merely upset the status quo so progression and advancement can come. The conflicts between these two sub-groups of Zamorakians are notoriously troublesome for Zamorakian leaders to contain.
04-Mar-2017 10:36:48
- Last edited on
15-Mar-2017 13:23:29