Short History: Ragnar is the son of a man known across Gielinor only as X. As a child, he was thought dead when a cabal of necromancers attacked his family home, and slew his mother, brother, and slit his throat. Suprisingly, he survived the incident, though was mute for fifteen years. Eventually, he found his father once more, who created an artificial voice-box for him. He joined his father's crusade to preserve Gielinor in his twenties, and fought well into his forties. Ragnar faced off undead, Orks, Tyranids, and even the depredations of chaos and stood strong. During the second god war, Ragnar was on the frontlines. Countless scores of monsters and evil men died beneath his axe, spear, and fists. Until, that is, a particular engagement against the traitor Vardek Acheron left him as little more than a corpse; A normal man would've died. Instead, his life was saved by a great deal of mastercrafted magitechnology. In a series of events following which are still lost to time, Ragnar was left sealed in a vault, waiting for the call to arms. His memories, gone. His humanity? May as well be gone. He still feels the echo of his past thirst for vengeance, though knows not against whom, or for what reason. Great power lies mostly dormant in his blood, the genetic legacy of his lineage. Only his father has ever awakened even a portion of this strength.
17-Jun-2013 08:05:47