Character Bio:
Name: He currently has no name (Will explain in history)
Race: Shu’ur
Age: Only one, though appears to be a young boy of an age that is not perceptible. Though is hugely more intelligent than a child. (Will explain in history also)
Gender: Male
Alignment: None at the moment, though his moral alignment is Neutral Good
Occupation: Finding his place
Power(s), Abilities, and/or Skill(s): None, but has incredible potential magic skill if he had a teacher
Weaknesses: He can barely walk without falling or stumbling over, and that’s only when he’s going extremely slow… way worse at higher speeds. Naïve and doesn’t know much about the world, just barely having grasp of the common language. Unable to fight in any way, and does not have any other useful skills. Quite weak, also.
Weapons/Specialized Tools: Currently none, but carries a flimsy stick around to help him walk.
Clothing/Armour: Wears a long, dirty brown shirt with a grimy white shirt underneath, along with dark brown leggings and large boots.
Hair Color: Dark black
Eye Color: Dark green
Height/Weight: Only 4’10 and weighs around 70 pounds
Scars/Exotic Body Features: Nothing really, except his skin is extremely pale.
Other: He cannot age and is stuck permanently with the body of a quite small, young boy.
Short History: Born completely conscious out of the mind of a highly corrupted and black mind, one with no light, no mercy, and no forgiveness. He was born with only the knowledge of the common language, and nothing else, not knowing anything about things around, though he is highly intelligent otherwise. As soon as he was born the before mentioned man threw him out in the wilderness, only refusing to kill him because he knew that he wouldn’t be able to survive by himself, therefore causing more pain and suffering towards his fate. He survived, but just barely, being cast out and beaten on due to his race, and barely getting the nourishment that he needed.
Continued on next~
21-Jun-2013 05:21:45