
Otherworld Two

Quick find code: 237-238-68-64105362

Elwood Tomes
Jan Member 2023

Elwood Tomes

Posts: 1,184 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Twenty years have passed since the Maker War ended. The previously ruined cities and kingdoms have been rebuilt. Zyfax, the destructive tyrant has been sealed away. The rifts which previously existed around Gielinor have once again opened, giving refuge to many races of creatures.

With the end of the war, there came destruction. Major cities had to be rebuilt. Minor cities increased in size. Even a new land mass has formed. A bright outlook for the world of Gielinor, after such a horrible storm.

Now, after twenty years, the being who ended the war, Aesir, has returned. in search of strange, black crystals full of power called Core Fragments. But he is not the only one. There are a large number of dark groups looking to misuse even the smallest Fragment’s power... And then, there is one group of adventurers looking to stop them. What side will you be on?


Otherworld is a ‘Lore Break’ role play, that takes place about forty years into Gielinor’s Future. If you have any questions about Otherworld, ask one of the Golds or me.

~Elwood Tomes

Please allow for Five pages of reserves before posting.

22-Nov-2012 02:55:44 - Last edited on 15-Nov-2013 22:55:56 by Elwood Tomes

Elwood Tomes
Jan Member 2023

Elwood Tomes

Posts: 1,184 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Two big groups in Otherworld are The Order of Omega, led by Crast and The Guardians, led by Eon.
Important chars:
Torq: Arian
Sam: Sam
Elwood: Master Gaime, Note, Aesir, Eon
Crast: Crast, The Meta, Kingpin.
Veir: Lillith, Incendie.
Season: November: Fall
December: Winter
January: Spring
February: Summer

22-Nov-2012 02:56:21 - Last edited on 17-Dec-2012 19:52:50 by Elwood Tomes

Elwood Tomes
Jan Member 2023

Elwood Tomes

Posts: 1,184 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Table of Contents
Page one: Intro Page
1- Intro
2- Key and Gold Message.
3- Table of Contents <- This Thingy
4- Rules
5- Rules
6- Char Bio
7- Race Bio
8- Race list
9- Race List
10- Race List

Page Two: Races
1- Guess what?! Race List
2- Race List
3- Race list
4- Race List reserve
5- Reserve for Race list
6- Race List reserve
7- Reserve
8- Reserve
9- Reserve
10- Reserve

Page Three: Magic!
1- Magic List
2- Reserve
3- Reserve
4- Reserve
5- Reserve
6- Magic Sub-Class list
7- Reserve
8- Reserve
9- Reserve
10- Reserve
Page Four: Other
1- Territories
2- Reserve
3- Reserve
4- Reserve
5- Reserve
6- Reserve
7- Reserve
8- Reserve
9- Reserve
10- Reserve

22-Nov-2012 02:56:55 - Last edited on 22-Nov-2012 04:54:53 by Elwood Tomes

Elwood Tomes
Jan Member 2023

Elwood Tomes

Posts: 1,184 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. Do not participate in arguments or fights in the friends chat. Those who break this rule shall receive one warning and then will be kicked.
2. Do not Spam in the friends chat or here at the thread.
3. Begging for a promotion will result in a demotion.
4. Heed all the rules placed by Jagex.
5. Do not god mod
-God moding is deciding someone's fate for them, for example: -You die-
5.1 Do not autohit.
-Autohitting is making an offensive action without giving the opponent a chance to avoid it, for example: -Chops your head off-, corrected version of this would be: -Tries to chop your head off-
7. Do not make overpowered characters.
8. Do not insult others, behind their backs or otherwise.
9. Do not metagame.
-Metagaming is having characters know things they couldn't/shouldn't/wouldn't know.
10. During sessions, do not interact with people not in our clan. Small comunication will be allowed, but please do not allow it to disrupt the session.
11. Do not bring back dead characters without a good explanation how they are alive, and an updated bio. These bios must be accepted by a gold star or higher.
12. Please do not interupt the session with ooc spam
13. Quitting results in a demotion.
14. Do not bump our thread.
15. Do not advertise on our thread or in the friends chat. advertisers may be kicked without warning.
16. Always place realism first in roleplay, it is not possible for a warrior to dodge twenty arrows coming at him/her from all sides naturally.
17. In order to void a combat move, both parties must agree.
18: No resurrecting characters without approval from three golds or me. The gods don't give do-overs. Must have GOOD reason.
19. It has been brought up before, so I'll say it now. No Rofldodges*****: *Arrows fly at you from all directions* *Dodges*)
Rules continued in next post.

22-Nov-2012 02:57:21 - Last edited on 22-Nov-2012 03:49:03 by Elwood Tomes

Elwood Tomes
Jan Member 2023

Elwood Tomes

Posts: 1,184 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
20: The Golds and I reserve the right to kick or ban under judgement between us, though we will discuss such before perma banning someone.
21: DO NOT! Touch Devouress’ closet, or feed Insanity the Flying Fox. You have been warned.
~ rules will be edited or added to when the Golds (And possibly other high ranks) and I discuss them.

22-Nov-2012 02:57:51 - Last edited on 22-Nov-2012 03:57:45 by Elwood Tomes

Elwood Tomes
Jan Member 2023

Elwood Tomes

Posts: 1,184 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Character Bio:

Name: (Full name of your character)

Race: (What race are you?)

Age: (Age of your character, don’t be ridiculous if the character is native Gielinorian and put something over about 20,000)

Gender: (The character’s gender)

Alignment: (What side do ye fight for?)

Occupation: (The character’s current occupation)

Power(s), Abilities, and/or Skill(s): (If you are just starting out, maximum of 3. We are lenient on the level of power, but don’t be ridiculous and godly if you just made the character, try to ease into it as there are chances to get more powers as you go along)

Weaknesses: (Any specific weaknesses of the character.)

Weapons/Specialized Tools: (What does your character fight with/Does he have any unique tools or artifacts? If so, what do they do?)

Clothing/Armour: (The character’s attire.)


Hair Color: (What color is your hair?)

Eye Color: (What color are your eyes?)

Height/Weight: (Weight is not mandatory. If you don’t want to put weight, just type “NA” in the weight section)

Scars/Exotic Body Features: (Tails, tattoos, scars, exotic piercings, etc.)


Short History: (If you choose not to place a history, please add a quote that relates to your char. Relating in a way such as something they’d say that shows their personality, or even a famous quote if you can not think of any.)


22-Nov-2012 02:58:16 - Last edited on 18-Sep-2013 04:01:06 by Elwood Tomes

Elwood Tomes
Jan Member 2023

Elwood Tomes

Posts: 1,184 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Race Bio:

Name of your Race:
Life Expectancy: (Optional: Please add an age ratio)
Any common powers:
Reactions towards own kin:
Reactions toward other Races:

Current State of population: (Meaning, are you loners or are you in one big group)
History of Race:
How did it get here:

22-Nov-2012 02:58:59 - Last edited on 03-Feb-2013 03:18:02 by Elwood Tomes

Elwood Tomes
Jan Member 2023

Elwood Tomes

Posts: 1,184 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Accepted Races.
And a brief description:
Angels: A holy race that generally follows Saradomin or Armadyl, they are similar to Icyenes but not quite as powerful. They generally control light and are strongest during the day and weakest at night. They are very weak against unholy magic, but have high resistance to holy magic and light-based attacks. What they lack in physical strength and ability, they make up for in speed.

Dark Angels: An unholy race that originate when an angel does something unholy and they are damned into being a Dark Angel. They are very strong with unholy and shadow-based attacks and magic. Unlike their cousins the angels, they do not draw energy related to night and day, they instead get weaker the lighter the area is, and more powerful the darker it gets. Their weaknesses are mainly light-based magic or attacks.

Demons: Demons are a generally unholy race that mainly come from the plain of Hell, which is a demons-only realm unless the Queen gives them a proper pass. Demons are split into classes based on the powers they tend to have. Succubi and Incubi are demons of passion and desire, they are the demons with the highest power to population ratio, so are usually considered the most powerful. Arch or Elder Demons are the most powerful demons, but are not allowed under the rank of Gold or without a Gold’s permission. Djinn are shapeshifters, and tend to have one extra power. Afrits and Marids are other names for your basic Demon. They tend to have any variation of powers, and are mostly considered the basic demons, Greater and Lesser demons fall into this category. Foliots are weaker demons, considered to be basic infantry, they usually only have one power, and are used as soldiers by the higher-ups. Imps are your basic canon fodder or comic relief. They specialize in teleportation, but are very offensively. Mainly used for stealth or a tasty snack.

22-Nov-2012 02:59:38 - Last edited on 22-Nov-2012 04:18:16 by Elwood Tomes

Elwood Tomes
Jan Member 2023

Elwood Tomes

Posts: 1,184 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Humans: Your basic settlers of Gielinor, recently some humans have begun picking up special powers that make them different from your basic breed. Other humans have been experimented on and enhanced far beyond their usual standards, others are just passionate fighters who can hold their own with no powers whatsoever. A lot of humans use magic as well to help them hold their own. The most notable racial quality of humans is that they are a rugged race, holding on where many other races cannot. They are quick to adapt to their surroundings.
Dwarves: The ancient race has rebuilt their capital of Keldagrim, which collapsed in the Battle of Keldagrim in the Second God War. They have called the new capital Grimsteel. The dwarves are masters of smithing and manufacturing, they are the main exporters of iron, mithril, gold, steel, and adamant. They are well-known as the main force behind many an army due to weapons of Dwarven-make being generally well sought after.
Elves: Elves are usually taller and more slender than humans. They tend to lack physical strength, but be better than humans in just about everything else. Elves have more angular features than humans, mainly visible in their ears. Elves tend to have pointed ears and are stereotypically thought of as master archers, but in reality they are masters of all forms of magic. Their mages are better known as enchanters, their magic tends to be summoned through a kind of silent chant or song. Their warriors specialize with crystal weapons such as swords, pikes, and knives. At the age of 12, all elven children are given a crystal. The crystal will transform into a sword, knife, bow, or bowl depending on what they are best suited to be. The crystal also transforms into an instrument in some cases, usually an ocarina or flute for example.

22-Nov-2012 03:00:02 - Last edited on 22-Nov-2012 04:19:52 by Elwood Tomes

Elwood Tomes
Jan Member 2023

Elwood Tomes

Posts: 1,184 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Vampyres: Vampyres are pale creatures who need blood to survive. They are mainly based out of Morytania, but as of the Second God War, the Salve’s enchantment was weakened greatly, just enough for vampyres to be able to cross it safely. The Salve’s enchantment only works on the side that vampyres are much weaker when they are not in their homeland. Garlic only works on them if they are a young vampyre, usually below 100 years of age. They are not weak to just stakes, but are weak to just about anything that strikes them through the heart. They are immune to poison or disease, and are much stronger at night, even across the salve. Like werewolves, they are weak to silver.
Werewolves: Werewolves appear to be normal humans, except with maybe a bit too much facial or body hair. They tend to be unholy, and weak to silver. They also come from Morytania, but their power does not diminish across the salve. They have no real special racial ability normally, but when they transform into their wolf forms, they are known to have strength, speed, and ferocity unknown to most humans.They are very weak to silver, and are weak in their human form.
Kitsune: Kitsune are fire based spirits that accumulate in the Eastern Lands. Ever since their existence there has been a feud amongst them, arguing on whom would be the correct ruler over them. Whether it is the “Upper Class” which look like humans with fox features or “Under Class” which look only like foxes. They are the embodiment of fire and all things hot. Fire and Fire magics do no harm to them and infact feed them power. They are stronger in the summer. The down side to this is that ice and water hurt them. Even rain can cause serious damage to an all powerful kitsune. All kitsune have the ability to communicate telepathically and instantaneously appear or “pop” They worship the sun, the way they worship it depends on the area. Their religions are based off of Sikhism, and Taoism. Their culture is a mix of Indian and Korean.

22-Nov-2012 03:00:47 - Last edited on 22-Nov-2012 04:22:45 by Elwood Tomes

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