Name: Amsel Hurn
Race: Mirren
Age: Well over 400,000 years of age, but appears nineteen in his human form.
Gender: Male
Alignment: Himself
Occupation: Blacksmith, High Ranked Guardian (Special ops), Group Leader.
Power(s), Abilities, and/or Skill(s): Elemental control is that over Fire, Air, and Earth. He is able to turn into his true Dragon form and hybrid form. He has control over sound, and enhanced Speed. Control over Aura. Shape shifting. Enchanting. He has also been learning a special set of spells from The Book he has been carrying, along with the Aura, Shape shifting, and enchantments.
Weaknesses: His love for rare metals and material also distracts him a times. He gets focused on tasks sometimes and forgets about others. Though he has learned magic, he is still rather poor with some uses of it, and will at times mess up.
Weapons/Specialized Tools: A special blade that has a flintlock built into it, this houses his Guarded: Hero. A ring fragment that gives him control over water, and another fragment that allows him carbon manipulation. When in magic-combat mode (Wearing his special armor) He fights with an enchanted shield and large metal claw. One last weapon he has is a spear he enchanted to use magics with, aswell as customized to have a flintlock within. He does not carry every weapon at once, but does have a bag of holding for them, so he does not truly leave anything behind.
Clothing/Armour: In his human form, he wears a brown jacket and pants, and special armor he has made when in combat.
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Light hazel
Height/Weight: 5’ 10”/ 130lbs
Scars/Exotic Body Features: None
Other: His true dragon form is a black scaled dragon.
Short History: “Hey Shiny! Wait.. I’m supposed to do a big speech… Ah hell to it.. SHINY!”
Other: Major development to him.
20-Apr-2013 03:49:52