A shower of leaflets fell upon Varrock, and Edgeville, and Lumbridge, and Draynor, and all the smaller settlements of the Kingdom of Misthalin as the situation unwinded.
Although for many of you, Saradomin has a large place in your lives, you know it to be true that murder, the desecration of the dead, lawlessness and treason are not the ways of the faith, and it's an affront to your religion how the Rectorist Church twists its control of the faith to try to turn you against a dynasty that has protected you from hell and high water since the end of the Worshipper Occupation. Do not let selfish idolators and politicians with a rakish fervour turn you from those who have shielded you, and do not let them ride the faith of Saradomin to seize control of your lives. As He is busy in preparing for the troubles ahead, they fill the vacuum with their heretical and blasphemous words, and they should not be tolerated.
So the people of Misthalin, agree with the Church on one thing, you must rise, but not against Elrina the Gracious, but against the corrupted infrastructure that has poisoned Saradomin's will in Misthalin, and bring forth a fresh church of the people, that can represent your will in presbytery, as a unity between an accountable clergy under the law, and an involved laity that shall guide the Lord's Church in proper manner.
Long live Misthalin,
Long live Saradomin,
Bring forth the Church of the East!
The leaflet would not be signed, but printed at its bottom would be a Shaikahan, with red talons and a violet eye.
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.
29-Dec-2014 01:33:53