
The Kingdom of Forinthry

Quick find code: 237-238-525-65778932

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


When you look around this barren wasteland, filled with Dragons and Demons and coated in ash what do you see boy?

Destruction? Ruin? Desolation?

I see Chaos, I see opportunity...

I see a chance for my people to rise up once again and remind the world that we are strong. We are the Zamorakians, a people born for war and conquest. And yet for all our fury we are mocked in every kingdom and no high lord dare affiliate with our dark cause. Well forget them, we need no one but ourselves to build our new Empire. I call you my brothers and sisters, come to this land and we will build the mightiest kingdom in the world on the hallowed ground where Zamorak once showed the world true chaos.

OOC Information

CC Name: Zamorak High Command
Location: The Wilderness, Keldagrim, Dorgesh-Kaan and connected tunnels, the Feron Isles
Leader: Lord Pyro I
Admin team: Poseidon_55, DiabloFuerte

Mission statement: This thread has been returned from the grave so that this group can return to the initial premise I envisioned when I first posted it. A region of w42, owned by a leader who will not stifle the creativity of those beneath him and offers an endless landscape filled with vying factions, open adventure and constant intrigue. To those still interested I offer a final outpost, still clinging to all that once made w42 such an incredible place to RP in. To all other factions I say this: we welcome interaction but we will no longer require it.
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

15-Apr-2016 18:57:59 - Last edited on 08-Jul-2020 11:38:59 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Table of Contents

1 Admin

1.1 Intro
1.2 Contents
1.3 Events summary
1.4 Rules
1.5 Rules
1.6 Applications
1.7 Census
1.8 The Ruling Council
1.9 Foreign Policy
1.10 Finances and Supplies summary

2 Regions

2.1 Summary
2.2 UnionHQ
2.3 West Region
2.4 Central Region
2.5 East Region
2.6 South - East Region
2.7 South - West Region
2.8 The Wall
2.9 All Nomad factions
2.10 R

3 Army

3.1 Summary
3.2 Blood Guard
3.3 Z.I.I.
3.4 Battlemages
3.5 Heavy Cavalry
3.6 Light Cavalry
3.7 Black Raiders
3.8 Light Artillery
3.9 Heavy Artillery
3.10 Fort Fury - Training area

4 Economy and Research

4.1 Where it comes from
4.2 Last Months totals
4.3 Last Quarter's Totals
4.4 Martin's Plantation
4.5 Other details
4.6 Research facility
4.7 Developed technologies
4.8 Developed technologies
4.9 New Projects
4.10 New Projects

5 Laws

5.1 Civilian Law
5.2 Military Law
5.3 Religious Law
5.4 Trade Law
5.5 The King's Law
5.6 The Law of Freedom
5.7 Outlaws
5.8 The Courts
5.9 The Defenders of the Realm
5.10 Legal Procedures

6 Politics

6.1 That guy
6.2 The Royal Family
6.3 High General & Battlefield Commander
6.4 Admiral
6.5 Lord Protector & Master of Coin
6.6 Head of Foreign Policy & Events Writer
6.7 High Court Mage & High Court Necromancer
6.8 Fort Commanders
6.9 Noble Families
6.10 Noble Families

7 Noticeboards

7.1 General
7.2 UnionHQ
7.3 West Region
7.4 Central Region
7.5 East Region
7.6 South - East Region
7.7 South - West Region
7.8 The Wall
7.9 Event Applications
7.10 R
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

15-Apr-2016 18:58:05 - Last edited on 08-Jul-2020 12:27:17 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Events Summary

The Freedom Wars Part 1 - Darkness Rising

The investigator were sent by Lord Pyro to the house of the notorious lord, general and occasional magical experimenter Aura Angelus. From the moment the group arrived they faced fierce opposition from the building's defenses (to say nothing of the fully grown Lycerta in the bedroom).

But the biggest challenge would be treachery from within when one of their own (a Northern Marauder) almost succeeded in murdering Danny Steel by pushing him into a pit full of the Lycerta monsters (certain death if regrettably not instant). The man then attempted to burn the house down to destroy any evidence that may have been there.

The mercenary was successfully arrested which raised a political firestorm from all sides, with demands ranging from his release to his instant execution being sent to Lord Pyro. Ultimately it was decided there was no other option than to hold a court trial to determine his guilt as judged by King Matthew.

Next event 10/08/2017 - 8PM BST


- Accused: Epic-xTuna
- Defendant: Epic-Sardine
- Judge: FatalTwisted
- Prosecution: Lord Pyro I
- The Executioner
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

15-Apr-2016 18:58:10 - Last edited on 07-Aug-2017 21:17:32 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


1. No Bullying of any kind will be tolerated.
2. You may not use any character considered to be overpowered by over 25% of the members of the Kingdom.
3. You may not exceed your characters physical or magical limitations.
4. You must give any one affected by an action you take the chance to respond to that action unless it has become impossible to avoid it at that stage.
5. You must not use any information gained out of character or any information gained by another one of your own characters while roleplaying unless that information was communicated to your current character.
6. You may not make use of or refer to in your RPs anything that does not exist in RS lore or established RSRP lore. Items that are unique can be referenced but not used.
7. You are required to acknowledge any action made by another character unless you believe that person is in violation of the rules or has OOC motivation for their actions.
8. All spells must be charged before use with the length of time for charging being proportional to the power of the spell being used.
9. You can be asked to account for wealth and possession of valuable items who's value will be based on general W42 convention.
10. Any conflicts will be resolved by the leader of the POK with the oversight of the Ruling Council, failure to comply with an agreed resolution can result in removal from the roleplay.

I am sure some will have recognized these rules and wondered why I posted them. The reason is so that everyone who joins this RP is aware of exactly what they are agreeing to and should always be clear on where they stand. These are as much your rights as they are rules.
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

15-Apr-2016 18:58:15 - Last edited on 15-Apr-2016 21:00:20 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Other Rules

1. This kingdom is allowed a 3 month period between attacks if it chooses to use it where it is not required to accept attack requests. If an attack can be proven to be part of a previous assault this rule is overridden.
2. This kingdom is required once given notice of war to begin that war within one month unless there are serious extenuating circumstances. The kingdom is required to provide weekly updates to its attackers on the reason for the delay until the time limit is up.
3. If war is intended with this kingdom a meeting must be held before hand to discuss how to ensure the smooth running of the war and decide upon conflict resolution.
4. The kingdom is required to post a financial report at least once a month.
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

15-Apr-2016 18:58:20 - Last edited on 15-Apr-2016 21:00:38 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


*All Applications constitute either the equivalent of an IC CV handed into the Union or a statement of widely known information that can be used by everyone. Basically if it's in the application it's known IC'ly.

**Please note it is not necessary to join the Union to become part of the kingdom and joining the kingdom does not mean your character/group is expected to work for or even support it.

Character Application

Character Name:
Character Race:
Character Appearance:
Are you applying to serve the Empire?:
If yes for what position?:
If no what faction are you joining if any?:
Which region will your character live in?:
Will you follow the rules?:
Other notes:

Group Application

Group Name:
Group Type:
How to contact:
Brief Summary:
Are you applying to serve the Empire?:
If yes please give a suggested date for beginning treaty negotiations:
If no what faction are you joining if any?:
Which region will your group be based in?:
Will you follow the rules?:
Other notes:
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

15-Apr-2016 18:58:25 - Last edited on 08-Jul-2020 11:40:24 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


Just a list of Players involved for now:

Zamorak's Union

Lord Pyro I
Its Spooky
Eddard Darke



The Red Storm


The Northern Marauders


The Ash Walkers





"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

15-Apr-2016 18:58:30 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2017 21:32:23 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The Ruling Council

The King - Lord Pyro (Lord Pyro I)
Battlefield Commander - The Carnificor (Poseidon_55)
Lord Protector -
Lord Justice -
Head of the Z.I.I. - Unknown
Lord Admiral -
Master of Coin - Tyler Locke
Head of Foreign Policy - Roxanne Raze
Head of Research - Lorishiel
High Priest of Zamorak -
Head of Events (OOC position) -
High Court Mage - Aerisop Aren
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

15-Apr-2016 18:58:35 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2020 23:12:34 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Foreign Policy

Asgarnia -

+5% Government Type
+15% Heritage of Leaders

-15% Religious Differences
-30% Smoldering War


+5% Government Type

-5% Religious Differences

Kandarin -

-15% Religious Differences
-10% Suspicion
-5% Supported our enemies in war

Karamja -

-5% Religious Differences
-60% Disapproval of Slavery

Kharidia -

12% Approval of Leaders
30% Removal of slavery

-5% Religious Differences
5% Government Type

Morytania -

+40% Religious Affliation
+15% Government Type

Kardia -

+15% Government Type
+60% Interested in Negotiation
+25% Sympathetic to past history

Eastern Lands -

+20% Trade

Zarosia -

+40% Support Forinthry Unification
+10% Current treaties

-20% Suspicion
-15% Religious Differences
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

15-Apr-2016 18:58:39 - Last edited on 08-Jul-2020 12:05:34 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

15-Apr-2016 18:58:47 - Last edited on 08-Jul-2020 12:05:54 by Lord Pyro I

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