The Kingdom of Hynafiaid
The Amddiffynnwr Uchel
The Amddiffynnwr Uchel is the royal guard of the Telemmaitë family. Armed to the teeth with crystal weaponry, mithril gear and fierce loyalty to the family; they have a homogeneous elven heritage, especially reinforced since the coup of Queen Blodwyn at Camelot over half a decade earlier.
Historically the Amddiffynnwr Uchel was founded by then-Viscount Nolfinwë, after realizing his political agenda was not met or fulfilled by mere bodyguards and levies. Therefore,
he hand-picked a few dozen troops from his barracks, and commissioned them with sets of similar mithril armour. From then on, the Amddiffynnwr Uchel were renowned for being well-experienced over the hundreds of years of their lifetimes, and had spent much of that lifetime acquiring and maintaining the best gear they could.
At the peak of their power, the Amddiffynnwr Uchel had members in actual seats of governing power within Camelot, as a couple of Knights of the Round Table. By that point,
their numbers had escalated from some fifty starting, to several hundred on active duty.
However, when King Nolfinwë passed on the crown to Queen Blodwyn, they began to cease growing in number, as her reign turned peaceful.
The night the castle was assualted by couping soldiers, the bulk of the Amddiffynnwr Uchel was stationed inside, resting as many had not been on active, foreign duty in well over a month. When the gates were opened, the guards instinctively sprang into action-
but they found themselves quickly overwhelmed by the hundreds of fast-approaching human soldiers, bent on tearing down the aging, elven tyrannical monarchy.