By decree of the holy Church of the Armadylean Faith, and the protectors of the realm and its peoples, His Vanguard, the Dynastic State of Camelot is hereby condemned on account of the atrocities committed by the unjust dictator King Nolfinwe Telemmaite.
The atrocities of the State, as outlined by the Doctrine of Gielinorian Right
The Act of Discrimination
The Act of Enslavement of the People
The Act of Genocide
The Act of Violation of Right
The atrocities of War, as outlined by the Doctrine of Gielinorian Right
The Act of Genocide
The Act of Excessive Aggression
The Act of Disposal of Government for Malicious Purpose
((FYI, best of luck to the new Camelot RP! And don't expect a physical retaliation from the Guardians anytime soon, I just figured I would write an appropriate IC response to Blox's plotline.))
08-Jan-2017 03:21:55
- Last edited on
08-Jan-2017 03:23:04
Am RolePlay
Blox, let me know when you log on also, when you get the chance change my chars' name to Richard De Clermont.
Malcolm III Chief of Clan MacFirthane | Fiona MacFirthane | Henry Percival Warcastle, Lord Warcastle
The Charter of the Laws of Succession states:
Only males may become the absolute monarch of Camelot.
-The firstborn son of the late King of Camelot, the Crown Prince, is the most rightful heir to the Throne.
-In the event that the
Crown Prince
waives his claim, the Throne will refer to the
next eldest male in the immediate family of the late King
-In the absence of any obvious heir, the Round Table may select an appropriate King in adherence with these laws.
Just as plans were being made for Glaerun's coronation as king, he mysteriously turned down the offer. In a scramble to find a replacement, Nolfinwë turned to his cousin's daughter, Blodwyn of Círdan. Though a young elf, Nolfinwë has laid upon her the task of running the kingdom.
The reign of Queen Blodwyn was soon to begin.
I am to assume that Queen Blodwyn has limited power as monarch then?
If I've time to roleplay soon, I'll question this IC as it might lead on to an interest scenerio.
Roll a D20 to pay respects.
I personally recommend handing control over to an NPC, and having people host RP in the area as they see fit. You could determine who maintains control over the landscaled counties through the forums or let them govern themselves in the old 42 land-claims way.
It's just a suggestion of course, it could go quite badly. I'm interested in which NPC would take over though. I guess King Arthur and his round table? NPC control is by its very nature unchallengable, so putting a Telemaitte in charge (or any other player-created character, for that matter) might not be fair.