
"What's Canon?"

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Mar Member 2012


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At the end of the day POK's don't really help activity anymore. Its just throne room rp and small plots. Its not like it was a long time ago. POK's are more rigid and strict. They are whether people realize it or not just used for pissing contests and creating a "safe space" (hate that term) for your own rp. You create a place that is ideal for your group and your characters and it doesn't always leave room for others.

I personally would like to see more groups like magic orders, guilds, knight orders, mercs, etc to rp around. You can still rp Prince Fizzywig in Port Sarim and run a shipping company rp or adventure group while not having to plant your gold standard ruler on a throne. More groups interacting in an area without fear of a POK telling them no because reasons is better for the activity in the community than playing civilization: runescape edition. Ya'll spend too much time blacklisting each other for personal reasons and refusing to reconcile than you do create roleplay. Nobody wants to be the first to say sorry.

Grow up kids and work together. Dont like somebody dont rp with them if you can help it. Cant be civil towards everyone then maybe private rp is for you. Public rp should not be the place for blacklists and restrictions. As time goes on people get more petty and you all complain about the same crap. The solutions are simple just most people dont want to make the first move. People just need to put something other than their own interests first to make sure these issues are far less common or get to the levels of dumb it is at now.

07-Jan-2017 01:48:15

Am RolePlay

Am RolePlay

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Fair points, Khaji.

I notice that Asgarnia has been exceptionally quiet. The question remains for them to answer - what justifies fundamentally blacklisting an entire group and accepting another that creates less role-play?

07-Jan-2017 01:54:45 - Last edited on 07-Jan-2017 01:56:05 by Am RolePlay

Mar Member 2012


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Am RolePlay said :
Fair points, Khaji.

I notice that Asgarnia has been exceptionally quiet. The question remains for them to answer - what justifies fundamentally blacklisting an entire group and accepting another that creates less role-play?

Honestly I really dont think it matters. It wont get resolved. People just need to decide if pok's are worth acknowledging anymore. I know I am tired of the crap surrounding stubborn people. The staring contest is only giving people bad opinions of the respective groups. I myself might just stop acknowledging any "claim" or "authority" pok's have over the lands they govern just so I can enjoy rping with anyone at anytime instead of dealing with this bs. If they cant be adults and reconcile then I might as well do my own thing. I would say for others who are tired to do the same, but people dont like having a lack of POK's around.

07-Jan-2017 02:01:00

Lady Airlea
Mar Member 2011

Lady Airlea

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Since I'm now being dragged into this by name,

I should do my part to clarify my opinion on this Kandarin mess.

I acknowledge the Aerendyl in Ardougne, and the Vekon in Yanille.

I never acknowledged Xivan taking Yanille through a blacklist. Xivan is a friend. But he understood I wasn't comfortable with that, when there was no battle. As I recall, the blacklist started because a Kandarin man took a job as a constable of the guard, and tried to open the city to Vekon forces. Vekon acknowledged it. Nobody else did. That's what I was told, whether it is true or not I don't care or have evidence to support, besides trust in a friend telling the truth.

The taking of the city by the Aerendyl couldn't have logically spread to Yanille as fast. The Vekon logically, have a place there as a hold-out. Especially as no battle was attempted to be waged there. There was no war in progress for Yanille at the end of the day.

Dan declined a war with the Vekon, because of Xivan's blacklist, because of a certain Vekon-aligned Kandarin player rofl-opening the gates.

I have, in my limited advice to Sharne, advised we leave things as they were before the blacklist. That the Vekon are in Yanille, the Aerendyl in Ardougne.

Nothing has stopped the Vekon from going and trying to treat, or work out some trade deal or whatever with Asgarnia. They chose not to. By taking Ardougne, me saying "I acknowledge Dandarin" was warped twice. Once to try and claim I acknowledged all of it, from Ardougne to Yanille, and again to say my opinion as an independent roleplayer, represents a clan I no longer lead.

So whoever is claiming I have any belief otherwise, get your damned facts straight, and don't get me dragged into things I explicitly shared to Steve, is none of my business.

I like plots. I like making sure the sub clans and hosted clans in Asgarnia interact a bit. That's my job. Not this lolitics.
The One True Nat

07-Jan-2017 02:24:30 - Last edited on 07-Jan-2017 02:28:39 by Lady Airlea

Nasty Smell

Nasty Smell

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I fully agree with Khaji, and most of the folks whom have posted before me, really. As another one of the most-commonly-blacklisted I've noted how the trend has flip flopped between OOC stance, affiliations and RP talent. I personally have always believed in character-specific blacklists, and loathe to block out a RPer as a whole, even if I don't like them. Unfortunately, this seems to only be an attribute shared by myself from what I've seen.

I'm fully aware of everything I've done historically, and so seems to be the rest of w42. Grumpy elegies as revenge strikes from situations I deemed unjustified. I'm not one to get angry, but I do get nasty (or have done historically) when I feel I've been wronged. As Healthorg said, it's less outwards, more a voice in the back of the mind niggling at you. And yes, I'm aware of the whiny victim type of air my writing has on this topic, but certain members of the community should not decide to serve as the RP police, some even going to the extent to ward newer or unknown folks away from me by bringing up edgy mistakes (I'm calling them mistakes, simply due to the lack of critical thinking that occurred).

I do intend to stress that a year's time is enough to start considering a second chance. I hate to be apologetic and admit I'm in the wrong, but then what really does an ego get you on the internet? I am genuinely sorry.

Now, it may sound hypocritical given the rant you see above, but recently I've been attempting to push PoK leaders to unite their canon, and try and remove the large-scale horizon of the roleplays, but instead try and get it to compress and focus on smaller, more specific parts. The example I used was cities, I cited Falador as a potentially good example for it. If all PoK style RP was to localize there, it'd have the potential for boosts in activity, especially since it's also the OOC hotspot. This idea ties into Khaji's suggestion of group based RP. Personally, I like a both types.

Just food for thought.
Buying Plant Feed


07-Jan-2017 02:26:14



Posts: 2,037 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lady Airlea said :
I never acknowledged Xivan taking Yanille through a blacklist. Xivan is a friend. But he understood I wasn't comfortable with that, when there was no battle. As I recall, the blacklist started because a Kandarin man took a job as a constable of the guard, and tried to open the city to Vekon forces. Vekon acknowledged it. Nobody else did. That's what I was told, whether it is true or not I don't care or have evidence to support, besides trust in a friend telling the truth.

That "Kandarin Man" isn't around anymore, and hasn't been since the incident. Though some of the things I have learned he did were underhanded more or less, he had the clearance to do exactly what he did, but that is irrelevant at this point. He's gone.

Daniel continued this blacklist not only to prevent loss of pixel land, but moreso because of his personal grudge with me as a person due to leaving one of his clans long ago, with a few others. This was revealed when it was discussed between several people over Discord.
I have no personal qualms with Asgarnia, and I have no reason to not interact with them. The character I play personally wants nothing to do with them as of yet.

Axel Vekon, the Eternal Emperor, the Archmage, the Lichslayer, of the Holy Kandarin Empire.


07-Jan-2017 05:22:57

Lady Airlea
Mar Member 2011

Lady Airlea

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Vekon said :

Like I said, I don't care enough to follow the Kandarin issues. As long as both parties are aware that I seriously haven't cared enough to make the actual dispute my business, we're fine.

If it's wrong of me to recognize both Kandarins, somehow, to include opportunity for both to RP? Well, that seems to go against the whole idea of repairing a community, doesn't it?

But maybe that's exactly what certain rumour-mongers want people to think, to further build a "with-us or against-us" mentality. Though I hardly think that repairs a community.

This is a problem between Dan and Gale to work out. Not the community. Community intervention will boil down to a vote, either a formal one counting tallies, or an informal one with people throwing weighty opinions on a thread, typing to try and drown out opposition. Some side is going to leave unhappy, groan, moan, and stew on it angrily for the next few months. They'll harbour bitter resentment, that will spread to friends and friend groups (again), until the community is ripping itself apart (again). Just like every other community (dividing) vote. It won't solve the core issue of division and lack of working together, it just puts it on the backburner to boil up later.

That's my view, that it's not my problem, so I don't have a right to a view. Until people start trying to make it my problem.

So to those people, I say you're making it worse, by dragging uninvolved parties in to try and "fix" a problem we have no part in. It's like trying to put out a magnesium fire with more water. It doesn't work that way.

And until both parties figure this out? Sticking with a two-state solution. Works for the sake of roleplays I do, which often don't involve either party.
The One True Nat

07-Jan-2017 06:13:45

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

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"As I recall, the blacklist started because a Kandarin man took a job as a constable of the guard, and tried to open the city to Vekon forces. Vekon acknowledged it. Nobody else did."

Actually when I found out I acknowledged it as and know the guy and as far as I'm aware he was pretty high up in the guards (also it's not like a traitor wasn't how this whole thing got started in the first place).

As for acknowledging Vekonic yanille? How can you be acknowledging that RP if you don't acknowledge its actions, such as taking Ardy. Why was Camelot's involvement in the recapture acknowledged? What did they do to get their actions ignored?

Sorry but the situation is what it is, I don't see how "Dandarin" (terrible name BTW) could've held out against the other groups that began to surround it, to acknowledge their existence is to ignore all the groups that wanted to attack it.

Couple of other points to address

There's no point resolving this/ this can't be resolved

It's not gunna stop coming up until the matter is finally resolved.

But [[Player name]] is X,Y,Z and I can't stand to RP with him

Ok so you don't like this person. Don't interact with them then, your character probably doesn't interact with lots of RPers on W42. But I see no reason to claim that the entire group and others that acknowledge them don't exist (I have seen this first hand so yes it does happen) or to encourage others to do the same. The blacklist exists to deal with perceived rulebreaking, that's it. Not bullying (use the ignore button but don't claim the character doesn't exist) and certainly not personal dislikes (put up with it or avoid them).
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

07-Jan-2017 13:54:22

John McAfee
Sep Member 2023

John McAfee

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Pyro's post is quite agreeable. Especially the "how can you acknowledge Vekonic Yanille without acknowledging their actions" bit. What's a man to do when he wishes to reclaim his city and the current owner goes out of their way to pointlessly ignore them and any attempts to reconcile? " Good maps make good plans ."

07-Jan-2017 14:26:10

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