Troop movements.
No, not just troop movements- civilian movements. The order had been given out by the highest authority for a quota of at least a thousand elves to make their way from Hailawën to the westernmost reaches of the Kingdom, near the border of Ardougne. From there, they would await permission to cross the border. Hailawën had supplied them with some weapons of crystal, but it was clear from the start this would be no war party- it was some kind of expedition. To where, nobody knew; just to the west.
Meanwhile, a quota of five hundred real troops had been levied up from Hailawën; militia all, to make their way to the war camp between Camelot and Catherby. They were armed primarily with crystal longbows, leaving about a thousand elves remaining in Hailawën as a garrison.
Meanwhile, the remaining Armadylean crusading force, rallied with Godless and Camelite remnant forces, would be readying themselves for the battle ahead; as mercenaries, supplied by the Ardougnians, began arriving.
The battle ahead was near.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad