As the Camelite forces soon discovered the fate of the northernmost peoples of the Duchy of Sinclair, the elven peoples under the Count Cirdan knew it was time. After having spent over half a decade in the northern edge of the kingdom, they had nearly driven their economic powerhouse- fur trapping- to extinction. With their monopoly of furs in hand, they sold what they had and went on to make the migration south, returning to Hailawën.
To an outsider, what happened next would be most concerning- the entire forest of the southerlands suddenly experienced a spurt in growth. Many towns and villages found themselves abandoned as the elven population centralized itself in its capital city of Hailawën. Over the course of a month, the roads and trails scattered throughout the duchy eventually became overrun with plantlife- and soon disappeared. Whenever ambassadors or couriers were dispatched to the elven city, they would find themselves lost in an endless forest- and so it seemed, few were returning.
From then on, contact with the elves of Hailawën was lost. The Duke Kywel was never heard from, and so most of the southerlands found itself covered in a vast, cursed, unending forest.
Meanwhile, on a ship, the three half-princes of Nolfinwë; Gerallt, Aneirin and Thranduil, sailed for Misthalin with a detachment of former Amddiffynnwr Uchel.
The old lands faded; a new began for the elves.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad