Following the Telemmaitë Coup...
They gathered in the town square in Seershaven, faces weary, exhausted from war. In the distance, there was the constant pang and drum of the Bandosian hordes, whose dark forces had advanced ever closer since the war had started. Camelot was already worn from a civil war, and yet it seemed that did not matter to those keen for war. Indeed, there is fear.
But, now, there is anger.
"Our chosen King has been taken from us by a most dishonorable cause, whose promises of protection and sacrifice seem meaningless in its selfish desires for reward. This is not selflessness, this is not sacrifice - it is tyranny, it is a greed which cannot be allowed to taint the honor of our country, and the righteous prestige of our Crown.
It is a most vicious insult upon the identity of our Kingdom, and the integrity of our throne that we shall be taken as fools and subjects by Elvish scheme; this is not what our brothers and sisters, husbands and wives have fought and bled for, nor is our gold and livelihood spent on anything but foolish expenditures. It is a most devious plot upon our King, indeed."
The man pauses in his speech; he was dressed in browns, and blacks for the most part - though, the most distinct part was the greens he wore. He wore a bandana over his face, concealing his identity. He reaches down to grab the hair of a finely-dressed, older man, who shamefully dipped his head as he kneels before the man in green.
"So let not yourself be deceived by this Elf Lord, this dagger-eared tyrant; let him not rob you from your coin pouch, as he robbed our chosen King of his throne. Let him not enslave us to his twisted devices, nor corrupt our soil with his most villainous depravity."
He lifted the man to his feet, a prominent tax collector in the region, before thrusting the baton he carried into his knee. The man cries out in pain, and falls back to his knees.
Hi, I'm Dan.
23-Oct-2016 07:10:35
- Last edited on
23-Oct-2016 07:35:15