
‡ The Kinshra Order ‡

Quick find code: 237-238-227-65686411

Sand Traven

Sand Traven

Posts: 4,520 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A letter is delivered, by hand, to the adjutant's office of the Kinshra's forward command centre for the Siege of Falador, marked plainly for the attention of Commanders Malleus and Delrith.

Most esteemed commanders,

First, may I introduce myself; I am Sir Galleth Meyers, knight of the Kinshra. I write to you with a proposal for the furthering of our goals as regards the white city and its current encirclement.

I have served in the Kinshra now for fifteen years; I began as a page and was squired to a knight a year later, and upon reaching majority swiftly achieved ascendancy. I served at the first siege of Falador and it was there I first witnessed - as I am sure did my lords - the earth-shaking power of dwarven weaponry. The "mortars" as they were called, which preceded our assaults upon the city, proved their quality time and again. I requested a transfer to these units then, and was refused. I request a similar transfer now.

I understand our artillery for this action has, thus far, been limited to the counter-weight trebuchet* with which our valiant mathematicians and engineers bombard the posts of our enemies. But I have seen the Chaos Dwarves at work within our camps, and I know that their fire power is at our disposal should we command it. Ice Mountain looms over our positions, and its peaks fly the black flag.

My proposal, should I be granted but the smallest contingent of these awe-inspiring weapons, is that we turn their power not just against the military strongholds of the city, but against the city's civilian districts. In this way I would seek to end the deadlock that has seen us entrench ourselves within the city limits while our craven enemy cowers within their fortress. Cowards though they may be, they will lose the hearts of the people very quickly indeed should they fail to be seen to protect the city's non-combatants.

One man's trash is another's treasure, and one man's cash buys another's pleasure.
So I'll rob from the cradle, and I'll rob from the grave; it's just human traffic, and I'm just a slave.

27-Oct-2015 15:58:01

Sand Traven

Sand Traven

Posts: 4,520 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They know this fact well; having once turned the favour of the people from our most noble tribe, they fear lest the same should happen to them.

Whichever course of action our enemy might choose to take in the face of this unrestricted bombardment, we are ready to exploit their weakness; should they sally and attempt an evacuation of the district, (or, should they hesitate, a search for survivors), our Knights sit on both flanks of their only route of advance. This route could quite easily be mined, should we be able to spare the manpower, as we have access to the tunnels that run under the city. Alternatively should they sit and stew in their own filth within the castle until our mission is completed, their outlook is similarly bleak. Either they will emerge to a hostile populace, enraged at the lack of support granted by the White Knights, or they will emerge to virtually no populace at all.

I leave this proposal to the discretion of my lords. Unless on patrol within the city, I can be found within the northern camp.

Strength through chaos,

Sir Galleth Meyers.
One man's trash is another's treasure, and one man's cash buys another's pleasure.
So I'll rob from the cradle, and I'll rob from the grave; it's just human traffic, and I'm just a slave.

27-Oct-2015 15:58:08 - Last edited on 27-Oct-2015 16:15:50 by Sand Traven

Sep Member 2022


Posts: 14,783 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Melkarth said :
Hey all, we're going to have a scheduled event on Tuesday. Deets below. Draz formatted it best.


Drazker said :
To reiterate:

| The Battle for Port Sarim |

Tuesday, the 27th of October 2015

21:00 OR 9:00 PM Greenwich Time (GMT)
5:00 PM Eastern Time (EST)
4:00 PM Central Time (CST)
3:00 PM Mountain Time (MST)
2:00 PM Pacific Time (PST)

27-Oct-2015 18:16:40

Sep Member 2022


Posts: 14,783 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A response was delivered swiftly to Sir Galleth. Partly because Delrith was efficient, but also partly because he wasn't very literate. He had to get Galleth's fancy words read to him - he couldn't make heads or tails of it himself, far too many commas. Naturally, his reply was as simple as he was (in terms of literacy). He grew up in the slums of Varrock, after all. It read as follows.

Sir Galleth,

I have spoken to Malleus. We agreed Lord Daquarius would not like this. But he is in Taverley. We will sort that out later.

Your transfer is approved. You have our authority on the matter. Do what you must to bring the White City to its knees, Bombardier.


27-Oct-2015 18:25:31 - Last edited on 27-Oct-2015 18:26:16 by Melkarth

Sand Traven

Sand Traven

Posts: 4,520 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The next stage:

Over the next day or two, the tunnels beneath the city are used to transport the weapons. The crates containing them have no special markings, looking much like any delivery of minerals or tools. The Chaos Dwarven escort of these is disguised as regular dwarves, with a few paid-off dissident dwarves, Red Axe loyalists and anti-monarchists, among them to do the talking should they be challenged.
One man's trash is another's treasure, and one man's cash buys another's pleasure.
So I'll rob from the cradle, and I'll rob from the grave; it's just human traffic, and I'm just a slave.

27-Oct-2015 19:46:04

Sep Member 2022


Posts: 14,783 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Aftermath of the Battle for Port Sarim

Ruins. The town lay in ruins. Burnt out houses, a ravaged dock and a business district which was not going to do business for a while lay barren where Sarim once stood. There was the odd house still standing, those of the Zamorakians who stayed behind. Many probably did not, however, opting to leave the town for a while in fear of retribution or bandits. At the centre of the town towered the demonic figure of the triumphant Commander.

Delrith bellowed orders at the hastily moving Knights. All were exhausted after the battle, having faced a much stronger opposition than expected. They were invigorated by victory, however, and after all: they were doing the Lord's work.

The town was looted before it was burned, that which had not been saved by the fleeing residents and the Godless and that was of value or could be used for food was taken to the siege lines south of Falador. The remaining populace, that had not fled or been evacuated, was corralled in the square.

They were interrogated, to assess their religion. Most were found to be loyal Zamorakians, they did not fear death nor the Knights. But those who cried or trembled? They were assumed heathens.

The loyal of Zamorak were returned to their homes, except the male children to the age of 16. They were to join the Order, a blessing their families accepted with grace.

The heathens were dealt with differently. The women were taken to the Fortress, the men were summarily executed and the children were loaded on a boat to be taken to Karamja - a gift to the Kinshra's slaver friends, along with 1/5th of the loot.

As the black column moved off as darkness fell before them, the night was lit in their wake as they scorched the earth and took what they could find in the hinterlands. Sarim's darkest days were ahead, when the embers turned to ash, and the fires died out.

(Draz will follow up tomorrow with a summary of the actual battle.)

28-Oct-2015 00:07:15 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2015 00:09:51 by Melkarth

Sand Traven

Sand Traven

Posts: 4,520 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How on earth did you guys win that cluster****? When I left, you were horrifically outnumbered; you were facing down wizards, knights and anthropomorphic birds, had people popping up IC behind your line...

Well, whatever you did, you did it. Kudos.

*Sir Corus Bolton, coalescing back from the lines, greets the heralds' trumpets with a bloody-toothed grin. Perhaps he'd been a fool to think he could help the young bloods. Much is made of the remarkableness of an old man still working in a business where most die young, but in truth you don't get more dangerous; you get slower, stiffer, and the pain becomes a more regular companion. He didn't regret lending a hand, of course; victory was worth any cost, even a stomach wound. He'd recover. And this certainly wouldn't be the last time he stepped back into the fray in the name of the tribe; but retirement was beginning to seem an awfully comfortable proposition.*
One man's trash is another's treasure, and one man's cash buys another's pleasure.
So I'll rob from the cradle, and I'll rob from the grave; it's just human traffic, and I'm just a slave.

28-Oct-2015 08:09:07

The HellLion
Jun Member 2009

The HellLion

Posts: 804 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-After 300,000 gold pieces, and 1/5 of Taverley's winter food supply were delivered to the Kinshra Fortress, A man walked out of the Fortress. He looked beaten, tired, starved and yet he had some form of kind spark in his eye, though his hair was matted with blood and his wounds made it hard; he walked with a straight back and his head held high. Arthur had been released from the hell that is the Kinshra fortress dungeons. He clutched his journal pages to his chest, though they were stained with 'ink' and from the blood that had poured from his partially cut left ear.

Upon entering Taverley and being welcomed warmly by the civilians whom Arthur had been defending when he was captured, Lord Harawood smiled and spoke politely as always to his people before he retired to his manor house. It was then the truth set in to Arthur, his freedom had cost him everything. 300,000 gold pieces was all his house had ever managed to obtain, and he felt far more than awkward when he realised the citizens had happily given up the 1/5 of the winter supply. But it made Arthur smile warmly, though Taverley may be one of the poorest vassals of Asgarnia, it had the most kindhearted people within the empire.-

03-Nov-2015 00:31:37

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