JoAV V: My History
As I expect my successor will read this the same as I with Saleh's journals I should leave a history of myself and what lead me into that Volcano on Karamja.
My parents with both mages at the Wizard's Guild, my father the guild Librarian and my mother a Druidic studies teacher. They met at the guild and were soon married. I came into the world soon after that. I am the eldest of 3 Vyrell children, I am followed by my younger brother Lazarus and my sister Victoria who's current whereabouts trouble me. My parents died when we were very little so we were put into the care of our Grandparents ex-nobles and vassals to the the Yanille nobility. We became very close to our Grandfather but avoid our Lucinda, that witch doesn't deserve a title like -mother. Mathias died soon after our move to their home and Lucinda was given control over us. Immediately we conflicted, all 3 of us had shown magical promise but Lucinda had a dislike for the magical arts and attempted to groom both Lazarus and I into noblemen, we still attended classes at the guild with much protest from her. Our first major fight with Lucinda occurred when she realized that she could sell of our sister to a Lord in attempted to restore the family's nobility. I had a problem with that but soon after our fight both Lazarus and myself were banished from both Yanille and the Guild because of an incident with a Dragon and a younger student. We moved to Seer's Village and worked at the bar to pay rent. Eventually Laz open an antique shop and still runs it albeit remotely to this day. Despite being separated we never stopped thinking of a way to save our sister and eventually we summoned the courage to rescue her. In the night we stole into the guild and transferred her to a position studying under our Grandmother (on our Mother's side) away from Lucinda. The plan succeeded and Victoria became safe. After this Laz went back to his shop and I decided to travel and learn new magicks.
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03-Mar-2015 04:11:23
- Last edited on
03-Mar-2015 04:43:50