In a similar vein, outside the illustrious Castle Baudelaire, Oliver mustered the forces of his own household, speaking confidently to those therein, stripping out material from his house to contribute to the war effort - the construction of stockades, palisades and all other matter required for the defence of the heartland.
''Loyal Camelites, you know that my family has worked in your service since the time of Sennis, the glory days of Camelot, and it has been our perpetual vexation to see that fire and lustre dampened as the forces of hegemony have washed over us.
Time and time again, we saw disrespect and disregard for Camelot and its traditions. Senna the Mad gallivanted once into our court, and tried to slay a guest therein alongside her minions, causing wanton mayhem. She tried to repeat this murder on foreign soil, demeaning the status of our society, representing us as barbarians.
With my sister Yennefer's withdrawal from public life, and as the patrician of this old and noble house which has stood sentinel over these lands since the time of Sennis, I am privileged to declare House Baudelaire, and its resources, to the cause of King Thaylon. The blade I carry, my father's blade, was forged at a time in the service of a Sennisite King, and so too shall it be used in the service of a Sennisite King.
I can only hope that the care that my father and my sister have tendered for Camelot, despite the absolutist fantasies of the false Queen, will be remembered fondly, and that I shall live to see Camelot reborn to Thaylon's design.
Victoria enim Camelot, tela sonant sit gloria tua!''
Once again, crowds cheered, but they went back quickly to the business of ensuring that wherever a Hegemonist soldier marched, they would meet the full resistance of the land.
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.
23-Mar-2016 14:06:42
- Last edited on
23-Mar-2016 14:07:50