I'm being told your're being serious, Salvyn, and that you're not being sarcastic.
Let me outline a few things, from that alone. Nevermind all the other ridiculous things this 'service' provides (such as, y'know, the whole Iron-clad warships and 16th Century anti-infantry artillery).
"- Item(s) Wanted: Non-Animated Golems
- Description: 30 Silver-Mithril Alloy Golems, None Animated, 6ft tall each, strong plating, and agile as best can be. Blue-prints will be icly given if thus order is accepted."
Are you serious?
Please don't tell me I need to point out what is so WRONG with all of that.
Nevermind the fact that " Alucard Draculea" is a Vampyre, the instinctive ENEMY of the Human race, who apparently has been talking to you West of the Salve.
And then there's;
"Order: 10inch thick, 28ft tall, mahogany sheets.
Quantity: one miles worth"
Save the Rainforest, maybe. Or I'll get Green Peace on your ass.
"granite blocks, 12ft tall, "
Sorry, what?
I was unaware of your fleet of JCBs and Derrick Cranes.
And, of course, there's still the matter of "Delivery Location: Port Phastasmy" and "Payment: Cash".
05-Feb-2013 19:29:57