Oh by the way Brock, you should join the RSRP Wikia discord (accessible through the rsroleplay fandom site), I don't think we're allowed to advertise our discords on the forums but I'd love to get in touch about some things I'm writing
The Sicarius
They think they are "the many", and I "the few". They think this gives them the right to walk over me.
W41 invites you to join us in a full community roleplay live across worlds
What can I say scorpions sting why would you pick me up then if not too get stung
A Demonic Circle ):*
Appears* it's infernal words wrapping
Engravement as a portal surged from the Circle a link had
Established befor long a sign appeared by the portal
Step threw all who wish too seek battle and make a wish
Be granted to you should you live good luck.
D.S.G - H.G - H.J.K