A courier, told simply to deliver a letter to Dane Avery, would, gods willing, show up at Dane's office with the letter. He has been paid for the delivery in advance, and he will leave with a polite bow once the letter has been delivered. The letter is written on vellum of fine quality, though free from embellishments. The writing would seem to be an attempt at high-quality cursive inscription, though there are some mistakes here and there.
((Is he a sir or a lord? If he's a lord, replace any "sirs" with "lords." It's the kind of thing Rahman would make sure of beforehand, but I can't find it anywhere on your thread.))
Sir Dane Avery of Avery Enterprises.
I will keep this brief, for both our sakes. I write this message to you as the new Caliph of Al Kharid. I have been working through the city's administrative backlog and your name has come up numerous times as the head of the company granted mineral rights to Al Kharid's mines in the past. I can see that in recent times many have chosen instead to bar you from the mines.
Due to Al Kharid's economic ruin at the hands of many of these leaders and our present slow growth, I am inclined to allow your company back into Al Kharid. Naturally this arrangement would have many smaller details to work out. As a broad overview, this is what I am prepared to give you:
- The mines themselves would remain sovereign territory of the Caliphate, with full administrative rights granted to Avery Enterprises.
- At least 90% of the labour force is to be hired from among the citizens of Al Kharid. A full living wage is to be paid by Avery Enterprises to all Al Kharidian workers, regardless of their position within the mine.
- All ore mined will be property of Al Kharid, with Avery Enterprises buying what they wish from the city.
- Avery Enterprises will receive a discount on all mineral ores mined, at a rate of 25% per ton of raw metal ore. On gold, the discount will be 15%. On coal and silver, it will be 20%.
One man's trash is another's treasure, and one man's cash buys another's pleasure.
So I'll rob from the cradle, and I'll rob from the grave; it's just human traffic, and I'm just a slave.
05-Jul-2013 12:25:38