Ok ok.... there's this thing, it's called a musa plant. The musa plant gets larger and drops fruit. The fruit it drops is called banana. While the fruit is attached the the musa its not a banana, its a musa.
Hair does not grow, it is expelled from the body. Hair and toe nails are an even worse example of growth than fruit is.
A banana doesn't grow on its own. The musa plant grows.
Hair doesn't grow at all. Hair is more like fecale matter. You might hold your poo in but you're not growing a poo simply because it's getting bigger......
I'm getting pretty bored with this conversation.
Let me know when u find some real evidence of dinosaurs.
Dear God, please send the competition, feels like there ain't any.
I long lost count of the victories, there were just far too many.
23-Feb-2021 06:54:36
- Last edited on
24-Feb-2021 04:47:53
Bel Tiamat