It seems that Musk is a never-ending source of news, the latest is that Twitter/X has been fined by Australia for failing to cooperate with a probe into anti-child abuse practices.
he is also getting into trouble with EU due to the amount misinformation thats on X.
Musk will be fine, EU is losing power. I openly don't support the EU. Musk is of vision, so what he stated something not right on X.
EU has no morale right to judge Musk when they did the same but it resulted in deaths...
"You shouldn't judge others without judging yourself first but you must view yourself like your not you and just an observer of yourself"
Plus had to buy twitter so this effect could happen;
^""“We do not want our children to grow up in a world where they live in fear of speaking their minds,” the signatories wrote. “We want them to grow up in a world where their ideas can be expressed, explored and debated openly – a world that the founders of our democracies envisioned when they enshrined free speech into our laws and constitutions.”
The letter urged governments and tech companies to comply with Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that “everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”"
^Musk is a Hero, he threw billions away to help us without knowing the true damage being done behind closed doors, these doors are now open for all to see and witness the true faces within....who control it, EU is part of it, oh dear......
Sorry, EU is on my list, "Threats to Humanity that shall fall by series of stress tests".
Basically the World is making a grave mistake going against Musk. I can't post my graph due to political rules but what's happening is everyone that is lying is losing the 'peoples support' and Musk and others are honouring the values of such people.
^A Shift event in humanity.
Musk wants to change the world, I don't honour the living on Mars thing but he has money, i'm glad, like many others he gifted such money away to buy twitter from 'Evil'.
like many others he gifted such money away to buy twitter from 'Evil'.
I dont really know about the 'Evil' you speak of and I've never had a Twitter account.
I stopped using Facebook a year or two ago because I got sick of looking at the garbage that people who are mostly strangers post, although I still have a FB account.
Twitter certainly has far more disinformation and hate speech on it now; it has been amplified not least because those who buy a blue check mark automatically get their posts seen by more people, regardless of their content.
And as we have seen with the 'reporting' on the Gaza conflict, Twitter is no longer a reliable go-to for up-to-the-minute news and information.
Whatever Musk claimed he was trying to achieve with Twitter when he bought it (a "global town square" for sensible discourse), he has failed. It is a shadow of its former self.
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~
A public square only remains a pleasant place to be because people look after it:
- there are gardeners to make it a pleasant place to be
- there are street cleaners to keep it clean & tidy
- there are cameras and wandering policemen to maintain order
What Elon did was to remove all those people. Not surprisingly, what he ended up with was an urban wasteland where the toxic and antisocial feel free to gather, and nobody else really feels comfortable.
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~