and the IPCC AR4.
Yup. Because these IPCC (and NO*A and AWG) scientists are right about everything, even when their model fails in so many ways.
Here are some snippets from the C3headlines I referred to yesterday.
IP*C Climategate science predicts that as CO2 increase in atmosphere, the resulting warming will increase the atmosphere's water vapor levels, which will cause more warming...Unfortunately for the IPCC, that major tenet of the AGW hypothesis has not worked so well, [insert chart]
[charts documenting massive difference between real weather and NO*A predictions...ok, so it's NO*A]
To put this into greater context of CO2-based climate models' and modeller failures, recall the utter failure of recent hurricane/cyclone seasonal forecasts for their being more intense and frequent; the prediction failure of the 2010 Russian heat wave; and, the concurrent failure to predict the large Pakistan rain/flooding event.
A new peer-reviewed study by Crimmins et al. discovered that actual California mountain vegetation has been moving downslope instead of upslope on the mountain terrain in spite of global warming. The downslope movement of plants is the exact opposite as predicted by IP*C Climategate scientists and their computer models. This is more climate-change empirical evidence that is not consistent with any IP*C computer model.
[graph of temp data with slight negative trend line]
What's CET's venerable temperature record telling us as of the end of 2010? It confirms there has been no significant warming in the 15 years since 1995; actually, it instead reveals a slight cooling trend...over that time span. This record is the total opposite of what UK climate "experts" have predicted, and certainly mocks the past shrill hysteria and incompetence of the UK's ruling elites.
And MANY, MANY, more failed predictions about the extinctions of animals (i.e., many animals will do better in a warmer climate anyway), effect from gases, etc.
05-Mar-2011 03:38:28