Classification :
Those that believe & those that don't.
Symbolisation :
Wear the mask or don't.
Discriminate :
Those that wear the mask or who will take the vaccine will be favoured more likely for jobs.
Dehumanisation :
Those that don't believe in the virus must be stupid. Perhaps stupid like a rat or cockroach.
Organisation :
Those that believe have already begun to separate themselves from those that don't. Plans are being made to not allow those that aren't wearing a mask or vaccinated not be allowed in certain places. ie; public transport, shopping centres, schools.
Polarisation :
Being a non-believer has already resulted with Police turning up at peoples housing & making arrests under the act of " inciting ". There's one belief system here & it has the guns.
Preparation :
Already the Army has been drawn in.
Persecution :
Separate people due to their willingness to not believe or be vaccinated.
Extermination :
Most genocides are committed by Governments.
Denial :
It was the right thing to do because .....
Many of you it seems are happy to walk blindly into this.
Another renegade Rat-Lord from the Master pond of scum.
02-Sep-2020 17:09:57