However, so many countries failed, and continue to fail, in their track & trace (certainly the UK, not surprising since Serco are running it) and citizens failed in their personal hygiene and taking precautionary measures such as social distancing and mask-wearing that the virus ran amok - leading to no other recourse than lockdown to attempt to slow the spread. Except we weren't really locked down as people were in and out of the country with no effective monitoring and still are.
Personally, I hated the lockdown here. It was a wretched time and we are now in the throes of yet more Regional almost-lockdowns.
I believe this is in part due to this country's utterly dismal failure with track & trace, numerous debacles over faulty PPI, inadequate supplies of test kits and Lab capacity coupled with the selfish bloody-mindedness of certain sections of the community to continue doing whatever the hell they want and tough tit to everyone else.
I don't believe our current Regional lockdowns will have much impact on virus control now; utterly useless without a reliable track & trace and the co-operation of the population in "social" scenarios.
We're all up shit creek without a paddle thanks to people who won't wear a mask and insist on congregating in crowded venues then take their maskless faces home to family and friends, and to work, and into shops - spreading the virus far and wide.
With regard to the incoming measures in the UK, I think the government would be better off deciding what measures to bring in by broadcasting our beloved leader spinning a giant wheel of fortune.
More clarity, more fun and pretty much encapsulates their existing decision making process anyway.
Stoat King
With regard to the incoming measures in the UK, I think the government would be better off deciding what measures to bring in by broadcasting our beloved leader spinning a giant wheel of fortune.
More clarity, more fun and pretty much encapsulates their existing decision making process anyway.
Another renegade Rat-Lord from the Master pond of scum.
Still people out there not wearing masks while in shops.
I went to Morrisons. 5-6 staff outside chatting letting people go in without masks. I asked them if they would do anything about it and they just looked at me and ignored me. It's shocking to see that. No wonder we in the UK can't get rid of the bloody virus when people will not wear a mask.
I sent an E-Mail to Morrisons. I doubt very much will come of it. Also my last time shopping there.
I'm pretty sure I read an article where all the major supermarket outlets have stated that they encourage but will not let their staff enforce the mandatory wearing of face coverings. Not much point in having such a rule if no one is prepared to make it happen.
On the other hand, why would they when this type of thing happens:
If I had a shop and someone came in without a mask they would be sent packing.
Everyone should do their part and wear 1 as it's the law in the UK when shopping. I'm tired of seeing lazy staff doing sweet FA when people are not wearing them. After all the staff are at high risk too and can spead it to many many people in a few days till the virus shows it's ugly face.
Comprehensive Account Security
It's far too easy to fake it and no doubt the Covidiots are doing just that.
[i]Anyone who would be caused extreme distress by donning, wearing or taking off a face covering" is a valid reason to be exempt so anyone who simply doesn't want to wear one has got an immediate 'out' as no proof of exemption is required.