

Quick find code: 23-24-578-66182097



Posts: 1,384 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Scat mats, those things work wonders, at keeping pets out of gardens. Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.

21-Jul-2022 14:34:26



Posts: 1,384 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Got several hanging baskets of bumblebee petunias potted and hanging on my front porch, and flower boxes.

Got a nice surprise too. Noticed my moon flowers are ready to pop. Love the flowers but when the flower pods open, they burst, loud enough for you to hear them. Which kind of startles me, a bit when they do.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.

22-Jul-2022 00:49:02

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After a few years of watching 100's of bees all over my garden I decided to get 2 bee houses. You know the hosues with lots of short bamboo things stacked together so they have planty of holes to live in during winter.

Just not sure where to put them. Have to Google best direction to install them so they get the better weather.

Cost a bit though nearly £20 each but they do look good. I might make the next 1's as I have loads of wood and big bamboo left.
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

26-Jul-2022 11:45:10



Posts: 1,384 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kiwi Magic said :
I cant stand wasps. They make a home under your soffit and kill everything.

They have a venom which they can shoot into you like a hypodermic needle.

Dish soap mixed with peroxide and vinegar in a garden sprayer works wonders against those winged bastards.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.

27-Jul-2022 02:45:19

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kiwi Magic said :
I cant stand wasps. They make a home under your soffit and kill everything.

They have a venom which they can shoot into you like a hypodermic needle.

A wasp put my in hospital many years ago. I was in my bank in a queue waiting and felt an itch. The bugger had got under my t-shirt and I felt it walking around so scratched it as you do and within seconds the bastard thing was stinging the shit out of my back lots of times. I scremed out and everyone was looking. I felt a pratt lol but sod it the bugger was stinging me. Stripped off my t-shirt and it fell out and flew around the bank.

The whole side of my back swelled up so much in a few mins the paramedics came out and whipped me off to the hospital. The pain was really bad.

The hospital sorted me out with an injection and cream. No way could I put the cream on lol. So had to drive 5 miles to my Sisters for her to put it on. My poor back was sore for weeks due to that wasp. Was huge too.

So I keep my distance from them these days. Just incase.

Bees are ok. I like them and not been stung by any in decades.
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

27-Jul-2022 10:04:32

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just thinnned out my rhubarb. Giving about 10 big stalks to my Sister as she loves in and so does her husband.

Got plenty of air now going around the rest of it and the remaining stalks can get some more sun.

Looking good so far but 1 plant has lost all leaves. Me thinks the bigger plant is too close to it so will move it next year after Winter.
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

27-Jul-2022 13:44:16

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