

Quick find code: 23-24-578-66182097

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When I had a 20 foot+ cheese plant I used milk to wash the leaves.

From Google.

Can you use milk to clean plant leaves?

Mix the milk with water in a 50-50 ratio and pour it into a spray bottle. ... Apply the milk mixture to the leaves of the plants, checking back about 30 minutes to ensure that the watery milk was absorbed. If there's still liquid sitting on the leaves at that time, gently wipe them down with a wet cloth.

It's a long time since I did it. Only found out about the banana yesterday and not yet tried it on my Sisters Orchids. :P
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

23-Jul-2021 14:08:05

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's hard to tell but thats 1 plant 4 feet x 4 feet by 3+ feet tall. I love my Lavender. Never seen it as big anywhere. Only been in the ground 3 seasons.

No idea what this is. I planted loads. Tiny bulbs as big as a pea been in a few years and looks great each year and Bees love them.

Gladioli Plants. Not as good as last year or year before. Seems this year Im down 2/3's of the flowers which seems odd.

Always love seeing a busy bee. Took ages to get his/her picture. Would not stay still long enough lol.

Last but not least my prize and joy. My Rhubarb plants grown this year.

From that.



All pictures taken with Samsung Galexy S8. My Sisters old phone. :P
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

10-Aug-2021 16:46:03

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Megycal said :
The plant in your second picture looks like Liatris ( aka blazing star ). :)
The Gladioli look wonderful, I've never managed to grow them. :(

You are 100% right. Thats them. Just need to write it down. I love the plants and will now buy a lot more.

Thanks for that name. Saved the day. ;)

I only put in 40 gladioli first year. Did great. Second year 150+ flowered. This year about 30-40 lol. Such a shame really as they are awesome when flowering.
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

11-Aug-2021 11:54:40

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After several days of rain I went and checked all my garden this morning.

To my shock and horror the snails and slugs had a good feed on many of my plants. I must have rehomed 50+ snails and slugs in a neighbours garden lol. Snails and slugs can fly too. Trust me I threw them a good 30 feet lol.

I can't put anything down due to my dog.

Well next 2-3 days once the grass dries a little I can get the grass cut. It's a little too long for my liking.
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

22-Aug-2021 12:11:02

Jan Member 2018


Posts: 1,200 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I bought a Delphinium plant this year as part of a tub of flowers that I wanted to remind me of the flowers my father used to grow. This also included marigolds and lupins.

I found out afterwards that these are the very ones that snails seem to enjoy the most and within a couple of days I had nothing but stalks poking out of the ground.

I found the offending snails under the rim of the planter, evacuated them to a bit of adjacent woodland and put copper tape around the edge of the planter, and although nothing else survived (I have now put geraniums in instead as the snails don`t like those) my delphinium has grown again and is a stunning spire of perfect blue flowers

22-Aug-2021 13:33:16

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just done my morning check on my Gooseberries and was wondering what the holes were in a few leaves and to my shock and horror I found them full of Gooseberry Sawfly. Small tiny catapillers who just eat the leaves till none left.

Sprayed the bushes with warm washing up liquid as it will deal with the little buggers.
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

25-Aug-2021 10:04:00

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