

Quick find code: 23-24-578-66182097

fmod Member


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Brigantia said :
I don't have any nails on hand, unfortunately. I'll probably just pop over to B&Q at some point this week and see what they have, and maybe pick up some nails on the side.

EDIT: We found some nails! Now to rust them... lol

To get them to rust is easy.

Put them in a bottle of water put in the sun wait a few days. Use water on plants. Repeat when needed. :P

Red hot news just in.

I now have 5 out of 6 rhubarb plants showing. 1 still MIA. No idea whats wrong with the last 1 lol. I may have to dig it out to see if its dead or still trying to grow. I'll give it another 2 weeks though just incase. ;)
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

06-Jun-2021 13:17:10

Sep Member 2005


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Dadizar said :
The front lawn now has an established bank of buttercups. It took a few years to pull this off.
Right at the foot of a river birch which delays their daily opening a bit. No grass mowing there until they finish blooming!

EDIT: Well that was disappointing. Apparently these are not buttercups as i have called them since childhood. Trying to properly identify now.

Could they be celandines?? However the ones we have in the UK flower earlier than May/June so that may be a totally wrong guess.

06-Jun-2021 14:27:40



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@Tuffty - Nails are rusted and lemons watered. I think they're actually starting to look better now. :) I'm sure with some time it'll get better.

Earlier in the week I attempted to repot one of my tomatoes (it's about 27 inches tall or something now) and the stem snapped. :L I managed to tape it and it was looking a lot better. I had it in the pot leaned up against the back of a chair (don't @ me) and it looked a lot better. However, I fucked up because when we got some bamboo sticks to support them, I tried to give it its own support stick yesterday and it's been sad looking since. :c

We tried to re-repair it a while ago and discovered roots growing on the stem where the break was! We trimmed the end of the stems (without cutting the new growing roots) and tried to reattach it again and retaped it. I'm keeping it moist so hopefully it'll be ok. :L I know I've got another 13 tomatoes but still....

Edited to add: I don't think he's going to make it. :c he looks worse now...

In other news: Five of the tomato plants have been moved outside into grow bags! They fainted after the initial move but have since recovered.

Why are tomato plants so dramatic?????

Also: FINALLY got a lime tree!!!!!! His name is Jack. We got him half off at the local garden center the other day because he looks kinda sad. He's got several fruits developing atm, the lady there said he was having a dramatic meltdown due to the weather. Upon further inspection it does look like he's got spider mites, and I'll be treating him for that tomorrow :L

He do have a bunch of new growth tho! He's doing great.
Arrr! Only th' Devil an' I know th' where'bouts o' me treasure, an' th' one o' us who lives th' longes' should take i' all.


06-Jun-2021 14:49:25 - Last edited on 06-Jun-2021 16:20:43 by Brigantia

Sep Member 2005


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A few years ago a friend gave us a few seed potatoes. The harvest we got was pathetic. Five plants grew but there was barely enough potatoes from them for a decent meal for 4 people. :| I've decided to stick to ornamental plants

07-Jun-2021 10:22:28

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dead headed all my daffs now and they were in the same beds as my gladioli. I just stacked them. The odd thing is last year I had well over 150 of them in the same beds. This year I'll be lucky if I have 50. Not sure whats gone on there.

Maybe thinned them out a little too much when planting the daffs lol. Soon see when they flower. Wanting my dark purples back as it did look nice. News and pictures soon as it grows and flowers. :P


Good luck with the tomms.
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

07-Jun-2021 12:55:23 - Last edited on 07-Jun-2021 12:55:54 by Tuffty



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An update!!! The broken tomato is still alive!!! Shocking, I know. Later that same day I decided I was going to try something different, I found a youtube video where they cut it off and stuck it in a vase of water and it grew roots.

Well, when we tried to do surgery that day I did see on the stem that it was starting to grow roots. He definitely fainted HARD after that trauma but has been stable since. And now looks like an eldritch monster at the base of the stem.

I'll wait until the roots are a bit longer and then I'll try repotting him again. I'm really surprised he's made it this far. Poor guy must be so traumatized lol

In other news, WE HAVE HABANERO PEPPERES@@@@@@@@@

I also repotted those and my two trees yesterday. They're doing good now. :)
Arrr! Only th' Devil an' I know th' where'bouts o' me treasure, an' th' one o' us who lives th' longes' should take i' all.


10-Jun-2021 10:54:53

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