Still, I must say... people were jerks.
Oh, and that relationship... to that girl... That's still going on. Somehow. Through some miracle. I'm not entirely sure why... In May, she broke up with me temporarily because she felt I was too good for her, and that, eventually, I would acquire mild popularity on the internet and then somehow she wouldn't be good enough for me. About two months later, she and I got back together in some strange-ish "kind-of-dating-but-at-the-same-time-kind-of-not" relationship. And, just recently, we promoted THAT to "moreso-dating". And, though I have risen from internet obscurity to "something-slightly-higher-than-internet-obscurity", she still means the same to me. A hell of a lot. Took a hell of a long time to assure her of that.
18-Oct-2013 20:03:34