Screen aint cracked, it is under the screen, usually happens if a very tiny fly mistakes your tv for the way out and flies right into it or can also happen on a hot day while you have your patio open and a random feather blows in and crashes head first into your tv, other stories are like this...
2 year old niece visits and throws her 100% plush soft Olaf toy towards your tv
Drunken uncle visits at christmas and farts next to your tv
Auntie mabel with the really squeaky voice shouts cos she disagrees with the voted off big brother contestant while watching big brother on your tv
Dion gets an arcane sigil drop from corp, even from another continent "Private joke" haha
Or finally - Some random player scores a worldy against you while playing Fifa and you rage throw you pad without looking and it hits your tv haha
A few of those senerios have happened to me lol and i have priced repairs and found that it costs almost the same to repair these screens as it would be to replace the whole tv for a new one.
Makes me think todays tv's are not made to last, they are made to easily break so we always have to buy a new one
Gone are the days of just giving them a whack on top if the sound went funny or the picture was messed up lol
Much love
Scouse - Technician in disguise!
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
That made my day Scouse. Always cheer me up on a shitty day.
Hope on Thursday unpacking day of TV No 2 it will go well. Hope my parrot does not fart near the TV before it's set up or the screen might mess up.
I'm so glad I didn't put my old tv in the car and take it to recycling. Was soooooo close to doing that. Glad I tested the new tv first and found it broken.
By the way Amazon were amazing and offered a refund in seconds and collection on Monday. Thats good Customer Support. After all I've got close to 2000 items from them in a few years.
Comprehensive Account Security
By the way Amazon were amazing and offered a refund in seconds and collection on Monday. Thats good Customer Support. After all I've got close to 2000 items from them in a few years.
I know Amazon get a lot of criticism on certain issues, but their customer service is usually excellent, I've never had any problem returning anything.
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?
We've only had to return a couple of items to Amazon. One was when we'd ordered something small such as computer cables and we had a portable home air con unit delivered instead.