The pancake mix we make isn't sweet. Its just plain flour, egg and milk with a tiny pinch of salt. We then melt a little butter in a very hot frying pan, add just enough of the mix to cover the bottom of the pan and cook until set, browning on both sides. I never try to toss the pancake to turn it over because I'd be sure to drop it. Its what we add as a filling that makes it sweet or savoury.
The pancake mix we make isn't sweet. Its just plain flour, egg and milk with a tiny pinch of salt. We then melt a little butter in a very hot frying pan, add just enough of the mix to cover the bottom of the pan and cook until set, browning on both sides. I never try to toss the pancake to turn it over because I'd be sure to drop it. Its what we add as a filling that makes it sweet or savoury.
Sounds good. Can you be a little more specific with quantities?
What love we've given, we'll have forever. What love we fail to give, will be lost for all eternity. - Leo Buscaglia
These are UK measurements to serve 2 people. It makes a rich batter
2 oz of plain flour
a quarter pint of milk
1 egg
a small pinch of salt
You can increase the flour to 4 oz, the milk to half a pint and still use 1 egg
Thank you
What love we've given, we'll have forever. What love we fail to give, will be lost for all eternity. - Leo Buscaglia
I killed it off due to FB pissing me about telling me I must use a Business name or else be blocked.
I miss all the 350+ people I had added.
I still use FB but keep it very private. Still don't use my real name lol. Sod that too many people can spy on you.
Yeah no kidding. FB is definitely stupid :L There'll probably be a better, more privacy friendly social media that'll come up hopefully.
I had two accounts for a long time to keep internet and IRL separate lol neither had my real name attached to it tho
It just made me really uncomfortable because the old account was associated with a bad time in my life and there's a lot of posts on there that I'm really not proud of, and would rather nobody saw ever again lol
Arrr! Only th' Devil an' I know th' where'bouts o' me treasure, an' th' one o' us who lives th' longes' should take i' all.
17-Feb-2021 16:48:17
- Last edited on
17-Feb-2021 16:48:54