I was banned from any communication with users many many years ago lol.
I know it may be hard to believe, but some hurtful people have accused me of having an attitude problem.
I am in the fortunate position that my work will just get me whatever I ask for.
So a desk and a stand of some sort will be easy to acquire.
They will figure it will pay for itself, and they are likely right.
Haha, it took years of "sensitivity training" to be successful at meetings and dealing with people. I wasn't rude, but I am painfully socially awkward.
And, yeah, the stands are relatively cheap. I think the one pictured was around $50. 24" - 30" monitors shot through the roof due to demand though.
And I swear I'm not going to let her know all the pain I have known
25-Jan-2021 16:08:38
- Last edited on
25-Jan-2021 16:12:25
Averia Light
Because I am so bored and typing on here is optimal procrastination atm, the reason im not allowed to talk to users is this kind of thing from my work chat - top bit is a colleague asking my advice about a users complaint.
Its most likely the server hosting their VM is somewhere like China (or just somewhere far from them), the package they've paid for.. could be getting like 528mb of memory lol... or their broadband
You are completely, totally wrong
There is an answer to this (which you should know, dumbass)
Tell them that they need to put a book under the back of the PC to that it tips forward
That way more of the electrickery will flow to its brain in the front, thus speeding it up
I thought youd know that ffs
One thing that slows the internet down by miles is a long ethernet cable. Cut it in half. If its already short, then check for knots
Again, thought you would already know stuff this basic
I spent too many years answering the phones to these people and it made me bitter lol
Haha, I'm in a completely different part of IT (programmer/analyst), but I get enough of the garbage to understand the bitterness. Honestly, if the money is green, it pays for my work personality to a certain point - and that point is where I feel morally or legally obligated to put my foot down.
Honestly, I can't let all the small stuff get to me regardless of its frequency. *shrugs* And, I walked around with bitterness and hatred for the world... it is no way to live man.
And I swear I'm not going to let her know all the pain I have known
I'm a programmer / analyst too. The type they keep locked in a back room lol.
Luckily I get on really well with the support people at my work - much better than the other devs tbh. They tend not to bother me unless its something real.
A good example is that someone in one of my previous jobs literally stole and took credit for my code then got rid of me to silence me. It took me 5 years (had a kid 2 years after the event and took a year off work) to get back to where I should have been in that company. He was caught when the code "broke" (aka the underlying database changed) and he couldn't fix it and he had to admit I made it. He got a slap on the wrist more or less.
That and I had actual on-the-job discrimination in the job following the previously mentioned job and a lot of family issues boiled to the surface. My personal life became hell with a colic baby to boot and to top it all off one of my close friends played a game so I would stop talking to him during all of this.
I was so fucking bitter at the world. It is ok to be bitter for awhile as everyone needs time to sort through their own shit, but you gotta move on from whatever it was that made you bitter and let it go. It only hurts and holds you back and everyone who wronged you doesn't give a shit anymore.
And I swear I'm not going to let her know all the pain I have known
25-Jan-2021 16:35:34
- Last edited on
25-Jan-2021 16:38:30
Averia Light
Stoat King
I'm a programmer / analyst too. The type they keep locked in a back room lol.
Luckily I get on really well with the support people at my work - much better than the other devs tbh. They tend not to bother me unless its something real.
I get along with the developers tbh, but I am an extremely submissive personality and as you probably figured out... most devs are dominant (and insecure) personalities. I can see why there are a lot of issues between devs (like there are between engineers, haha).
And I swear I'm not going to let her know all the pain I have known
It is popular (although somewhat of a cliche) on Reddit to say "Bitterness is like drinking the poison and expecting them to die". They are not entirely wrong.
Stoat King
It is popular (although somewhat of a cliche) on Reddit to say "Bitterness is like drinking the poison and expecting them to die". They are not entirely wrong.
Yes. Please please please heal yourself.
It took me about 3 years but it is worth it. Don't let others take away the metaphorical light you can give to this world.
And I swear I'm not going to let her know all the pain I have known
Stoat King
I wonder if there is a way of adding 'Hostess Trolley' functionality to your 'commode-mini-bench-on wheels' thing?
Or have I gone too far? lol
This is a splendid idea - I wonder if the adaptor kit is available on the NHS?
I could sit relieving myself whilst cooking spag bol on a couple of primus stoves perched on the trolley attachment.