Dong U Dead
I have that problem too and I feel the whole world can see my twitching eye - apparently, they can't. Not sure what causes it. I have stages where it happens regularly then it stops for a while.
I nodded off in the armchair for about 20 minutes shortly after posting and when I got up to start making dinner, it'd stopped. So yup, must have been tiredness. I've had a hectic couple of days.
As and when I get it again I must remember to look in the mirror to check if I can see it happening...... so I can laugh at how weird I look
Dong U Dead
I have that problem too and I feel the whole world can see my twitching eye - apparently, they can't. Not sure what causes it. I have stages where it happens regularly then it stops for a while.
usually tiredness / eye strain
Huh! This is interesting, and actually makes a lot of sense. I usually get this kinda of thing near the end of a workday.
Community Manager for Jagex
My random thought of the day: I caught a Gourmet Impling this evening, as it just happened to be flapping across right in front of me. It had a cooked Bass in it and just as I was about to drag it for disassembly I suddenly remembered the feeling of bliss from years ago when I could finally catch and cook these fish.
Such high healing power back then was a big deal. Old times
FiFi LaFeles
My random thought of the day: I caught a Gourmet Impling this evening, as it just happened to be flapping across right in front of me. It had a cooked Bass in it and just as I was about to drag it for disassembly I suddenly remembered the feeling of bliss from years ago when I could finally catch and cook these fish.
Such high healing power back then was a big deal. Old times
perhaps you should make it a point to revisit old content once in a while
Does anyone know exactly when archaeology is coming. ?
I am so, so close now to max cape, it might have been nice to have it for a short while.
I seem to have a knack for doing things just too late. When I finally managed to win the big fight and get into Priff, it was about 2.30 in the afternoon and at the update that morning they had removed the onyx from the gem rock there
09-Jan-2020 11:55:06
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09-Jan-2020 11:59:08
I have a vague recollection of seeing something about February, but could be wrong. I don't think it gave a precise date in February.
So you may yet get to wear your Max cape for a few weeks before needing to put it in the Dry Cleaner's. But we'll all be in the same boat with that for a while!
Take heart, you're not the only one who has missed the bus on occasion. For a long time (far too long a time) I was shilly-shallying around and not even started PoF. When I eventually got around to looking at it .... two days later they nerfed the xp rates by a huge margin
I had some serious catching-up to do, heh
FiFi LaFeles
I have a vague recollection of seeing something about February, but could be wrong. I don't think it gave a precise date in February.
So you may yet get to wear your Max cape for a few weeks before needing to put it in the Dry Cleaner's. But we'll all be in the same boat with that for a while!
Take heart, you're not the only one who has missed the bus on occasion. For a long time (far too long a time) I was shilly-shallying around and not even started PoF. When I eventually got around to looking at it .... two days later they nerfed the xp rates by a huge margin
I had some serious catching-up to do, heh
Oh dear. Something else that I have to admit to. Thought I would leave POF as I was busy getting other skills up. Until very, very recently had only utilised the two small fields with a couple of rabbits-both female so they would not breed, and some chickens just so that there was at least something running about so I too will not have the benefit of the massive xp that was previously available. Although I have a few dragons now I haven`t done zygomites, yaks or finished spiders, and at the Ranch Out of Time, I am really doing well, with a couple of frogs!