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Quick find code: 23-24-312-63626936

FiFi LaFeles

FiFi LaFeles

Posts: 24,106 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ehhh it's just Dupe practising his one-upmanship, and failing as usual.

He likes to try and cause me grief and shame by telling me I'm old (really? gosh I never knew that), telling me I'd be a failure in today's society (because I was far from a failure in my own era), aaaaand assuming all manner of things about me.

But it's okay. He can use his itty-bitty baby troll milk teeth to chew on me if it pleases him. One has to humour children sometimes, y'know ^_^
Le Chat Guerrier

Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop

14-Apr-2019 13:01:56

FiFi LaFeles

FiFi LaFeles

Posts: 24,106 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dupeypoopybaby, you're so insistent. I hope you're not going to hold your breath and go blue again.

Why would I bother doing the Mensa test? I helped to devise it so I know all the answers anyway.

"Ah huh ... I seem to recall you stating in another thread about what happens to the next generation wasn't of your concern as you'd likely have departed this World by then. It's selfish people from your generation that never took the time to understand this principle".

What's that got to do with the fact that I always had good jobs and other people currently have not? I don't owe them a living. The world doesn't owe them a living. If a person wants a good job then they need to strive to have the desirable qualities employers seek. If they can't be arsed, or are too thick, that's their problem and nothing to do with me or 'my generation'.

Personally I think that all Lawyers are good for is serving coffee anyway. Moneygrubbing pondlife. Here we have a Doctor shortage - please send us some of yours. I'd be interested to see your list of useful unemployed Scientists.
Le Chat Guerrier

Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop

14-Apr-2019 13:08:49

FiFi LaFeles

FiFi LaFeles

Posts: 24,106 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I believe it was the same thread that you accepted that certain substance users should be allowed to freeze to death on the streets. Literally freezing to death like an ice-cube"

Yes, yes I did. I don't give a rat's arse about drug addicts who won't get themselves into the programmes that are offered and get themselves clean.

No one forced them to be a drug user; no one shoved the needle in their arm - they did it themselves in the full knowledge that their entire life prospects were about to change, most probably for the worst.

So not only did they choose to step onto the 'Down' escalator, a lot of them also refuse to actually get off and take the help that's there. Because it would mean they'd have to give up their lifestyle and stimulant of choice.

I'd far rather my taxes were spent on providing medical care for sick kids, free education for young adults and affordable housing for lower-paid workers than on looking after feckless individuals whose only intention is to carry on with their shitty self-destruct way of life.
Le Chat Guerrier

Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop

14-Apr-2019 13:17:55

Emperor Dupe

Emperor Dupe

Posts: 2,629 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
FiFi LaFeles said :

He likes to try and cause me grief and shame by telling me I'm old (really? gosh I never knew that), telling me I'd be a failure in today's society (because I was far from a failure in my own era)

It was easier to be a success back then.
FiFi LaFeles said :

Why would I bother doing the Mensa test? I helped to devise it so I know all the answers anyway.

No you didn't, lying makes your nose grow, not your teeth.
FiFi LaFeles said :

What's that got to do with the fact that I always had good jobs and other people currently have not? I don't owe them a living.

Well you sorta do, you've used resources from a finite pool, & never started your own business to employ others by the looks of it. Likely just sat in a menial job & held up the queue.
FiFi LaFeles said :

If they can't be arsed, or are too thick, that's their problem and nothing to do with me or 'my generation'.

You know an I.Q of 125 isn't good enough for Mc Donalds these day?
FiFi LaFeles said :

Personally I think that all Lawyers are good for is serving coffee anyway. Moneygrubbing pondlife.

Takes one to know one ... hey champion?
FiFi LaFeles said :

Here we have a Doctor shortage - please send us some of yours. I'd be interested to see your list of useful unemployed Scientists.

Are you going to pay them in banana bread? Your Nation is about to fall on its knees. You have your P.M telling the public to scrape the top centimetre off their jam if it goes mouldy.

C.S.R.I.O job cuts, the lucky ones went abroad after this Nation funded their education, & now we're left with a debt & without their expertise.
....... West & drop a single ore .

14-Apr-2019 13:27:34

Emperor Dupe

Emperor Dupe

Posts: 2,629 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
FiFi LaFeles said :

Yes, yes I did. I don't give a rat's arse about drug addicts who won't get themselves into the programmes that are offered and get themselves clean.

No one forced them to be a drug user; no one shoved the needle in their arm - they did it themselves in the full knowledge that their entire life prospects were about to change, most probably for the worst.

So not only did they choose to step onto the 'Down' escalator, a lot of them also refuse to actually get off and take the help that's there. Because it would mean they'd have to give up their lifestyle and stimulant of choice.

I'd far rather my taxes were spent on providing medical care for sick kids, free education for young adults and affordable housing for lower-paid workers than on looking after feckless individuals whose only intention is to carry on with their shitty self-destruct way of life.

Welcome to the human condition, not everyone can have such a stoic mind, & for the cost of less than $5.00 a day, their habits could be fed whilst providing jobs for others that don't use.

You're awful at quoting too.
....... West & drop a single ore .

14-Apr-2019 13:32:34

FiFi LaFeles

FiFi LaFeles

Posts: 24,106 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How would you know it was 'easier to be a success back then'> ROFL !!! You weren't there.

Yes, I did. Just because you don't believe me doesn't make it a lie, sillybilly.

How do you know I didn't start my own business and employ people .... just because I haven't told you about it doesn't mean I didn't do it. Assumptions are bad m'kay?

Tbh is McDonalds the highest you aspire to lolol? Whatever. Face it, employers have the upper hand, they always did. If they insist employees have a certain level of education that is their prerogative and you'll have to up your game to compete. Same way I had to. Stop whingeing and do something about it.

Takes one what to know one what? I'm not a Lawyer.

And no, the UK isn't about to fall onto it's knees. We kept the ship afloat before we hitched our horses to Europe's wagon and those horses ain't dead yet. Admittedly, our PM is an asshat but she was actually talking about food sell-by dates being unrealistic ... not the state of the nation.

As for your unemployed Scientists - why are you moaning at me about it? I think you need to take this up with your own Country's government rather than an old British woman on a gaming forum.
Le Chat Guerrier

Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop

14-Apr-2019 13:50:28

FiFi LaFeles

FiFi LaFeles

Posts: 24,106 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Emperor Dupe said :
FiFi LaFeles said :


Welcome to the human condition, not everyone can have such a stoic mind, & for the cost of less than $5.00 a day, their habits could be fed whilst providing jobs for others that don't use.

You're awful at quoting too.

There's nothing at all stoic in deciding not to become a drug addict. Deciding to not be a drug addict is extremely easy.

And even one penny spent on keeping an addict in their pointless hamster wheel existence is one penny too much. I'd far rather those pennies were spent on paying workers assisting them to kick the habit, not perpetuating it.

I use quoting in the way that pleases me. I dislike huge posts full of fractured bits and pieces.
Le Chat Guerrier

Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop

14-Apr-2019 13:57:03

Emperor Dupe

Emperor Dupe

Posts: 2,629 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
FiFi LaFeles said :
How do you know I didn't start my own business and employ people .... just because I haven't told you about it doesn't mean I didn't do it. Assumptions are bad m'kay?

Please elaborate, it'd be more interesting than your attempts to dodge announcing your I.Q level. By the way, I had run two businesses before the age of 25 & had one employee for a short while.
FiFi LaFeles said :

Tbh is McDonalds the highest you aspire to lolol?

No, I'd take any job to be honest. It's no longer about where you can go within a company, yet more so what you can do with the funds they give you on a weekly basis. ie; starting a business of your own.
FiFi LaFeles said :

If they insist employees have a certain level of education that is their prerogative and you'll have to up your game to compete.

Trust me young lady, I'm well over qualified for the position I applied for. So was everyone else.
FiFi LaFeles said :

Takes one what to know one what? I'm not a Lawyer.

.... really?
FiFi LaFeles said :
Moneygrubbing pondlife.

FiFi LaFeles said :

We kept the ship afloat before

On the back of wars which can't be fought the same way they did these days, everyone has nuclear capabilities, & to make mention of how numerous B.P oil & gas deposits are depleted now, hence the fracking. Remember when they thought it'd never run dry & hooked up nearly every residence with gas lines?
FiFi LaFeles said :

As for your unemployed Scientists - why are you moaning at me about it?

It was an example of who can be unemployed now.

So are you going to pay our Doctors that come abroad with banana bread or what?
....... West & drop a single ore .

14-Apr-2019 14:10:10

Emperor Dupe

Emperor Dupe

Posts: 2,629 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
FiFi LaFeles said :

There's nothing at all stoic in deciding not to become a drug addict. Deciding to not be a drug addict is extremely easy.

Unless you've been issued with pain killers for an injury that has occurred being on the job, ie; construction. Oh that's right, you likely reside in a building of sorts, yet believe that type of work is for peasants that would've amounted to nothing anyways. I've met your type before.
FiFi LaFeles said :

And even one penny spent on keeping an addict in their pointless hamster wheel existence is one penny too much. I'd far rather those pennies were spent on paying workers assisting them to kick the habit, not perpetuating it.

The habit won't be kicked until the individual using decides so, not someone else.
FiFi LaFeles said :

I use quoting in the way that pleases me. I dislike huge posts full of fractured bits and pieces.

It looks cheap.
....... West & drop a single ore .

14-Apr-2019 14:13:33

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