The #MeToo movement is actually worrying lol.
It's making me afraid to interact with women for fear of being wrongfully accused. Even though I have no reason to think this, it's still a very worrying thought. It seems like people can just slap "assault" on anything nowadays and people will immediately just jump on the bandwagon and believe the victim without digging in deeper. This is enough to ruin people and there doesn't seem to be any consequences for doing the wrongful accusing. Even if you get cleared, you'll still have doubters which can still impact you negatively.
In the end, I can see a future where men and women become separate. A dystopian world where the two genders simply do not interact with each other. This is exactly what the #MeToo movement does: makes men so afraid of women that they just stop because it's just not worth the potential repercussions. It's bad yes, and it's meant to be bad, that's why it's a problem. It's why something has to change to stop it being so heavily abused without any real consequences.
While #MeToo may have had a seemingly positive impact (to expose those doing the wrongful act) in the beginning and it may still do some positives, it's turned (or turning) into something negative and rather damaging. It's not really a minor thing either - at least I don't think it is.
Something has to change tbh. It's not only damaging males, it's damaging the credibility of women. Real sufferers #MeToo'ing will just fade into the background as all the abusers of the movement take hold and destroy their credibility, which goes against the purpose of the movement in the first place. Soon enough, no one will believe anyone #MeToo'ing and it'll just be seen as women using it for their own personal gain even if the woman really did suffer. They'd just be put into the same category as the rest which is wrong.
As always, the abusers ruin it for the rest.
05-Dec-2018 07:27:21
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05-Dec-2018 07:30:28