Nexus Origin
I think our ancient ancestors knew a lot more than what we give them credit for, even when it comes to religion. We read religious texts today, and they talk about "sky gods" coming down from the heavens in giant steel birds, blowing winds and fire all around. Mainstream says that it's just metaphorical. But was it really? Or was it exactly as they had written?
There are so many things from ancient times that makes me wonder how many times we have had "visitors" from "the heavens"...
It's possible (and cool to think about), but the overwhelmingly simpler explanation is that they either misinterpreted their experiences or made it all up (or both).
I wouldn't agree with the "making it all up" explanation, as there are multiple cultures all around the world that were writing about the same types of experiences at around the same time in history (at a time when different cultures should not have been able to interact with each other as per mainstream history).
There are cultures who have had "sky gods" come down to teach the people about various things, and to this very day, those people are still awaiting the return of these teachers.
For example, the Kayapó Indians worship "Bep-Kororoti" every year, awaiting his return.
Nexus Origin
I wouldn't agree with the "making it all up" explanation, as there are multiple cultures all around the world that were writing about the same types of experiences at around the same time in history (at a time when different cultures should not have been able to interact with each other as per mainstream history).
There are cultures who have had "sky gods" come down to teach the people about various things, and to this very day, those people are still awaiting the return of these teachers.
The fact that all those cultures were made up of the same species living on the same planet is a better/more reasonable explanation than the sky gods actually existing. Even sheer coincidence would be a less extraordinary explanation.
Patrolling Lore FC almost makes you wish for a Great Revision.
10-Sep-2017 02:29:51
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10-Sep-2017 02:30:07
But we're talking about a time in history which these cultures should not have been able to interact with each other. Sure, today, it's easy to see how a meme spreads quickly. But, we have the internet. We have planes and cars. 1000's of years ago, it would have been pretty difficult to go all around the world on foot (or wagon?) to spread stories about sky gods.
One of the main theories of the Nazca lines, for example, is that they were built as to please the sky gods.
Ancient India had the Vimana, a flying palace in which the gods resided.
And then there are all the pyramids... all over the world... how many ancient pyramids are there? Thousands? What possible use could the average person have for a pyramid back then?
And then there are places like Pumapunku, Machu Picchu, Sacsayhuaman, etc. in which they built massive structures using monolithic stones, some cut with extraordinary precision, at a time when mainstream history teaches that the wheel had not yet been invented.
The more I learn, the more questions I seem to have.
Like, what's the deal with the Antikythera mechanism? They had the technology to construct an analog computer, then for some reason, the technology disappeared for over a thousand years, before people finally "invented" it again?
Team Skull
Can always study Degrasse Tyson or Sagan :B
Neither can/could answer the question of where the Big Bang came from, which I'd consider to be the ultimate answer to where natural laws come from. Course, there could be something before what came before the Big Bang, and something before that, and something before that, and so on.
There's the theory that our universe was created by 2 other universes colliding with each other, which assuming this is the case, raises a very...weird...question:
Where did the first 2 universes come from to be able to create this sequence? Were they always here or did something create them?
To answer these questions would imply having time measures that would more than likely be impossible to acquire, so yea- still suspending any and all belief
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
Theoretically, if you could somehow travel beyond the edge of the universe far enough, and using a high enough powered telescope, you could capture light from the big bang as it was happening, much the same way as we can see galaxies that existed millions of years ago from earth.
Nexus Origin
Theoretically, if you could somehow travel beyond the edge of the universe far enough, and using a high enough powered telescope, you could capture light from the big bang as it was happening, much the same way as we can see galaxies that existed millions of years ago from earth.
Higgs-Boson particle (God particle) discovered at CERN, 2012.
Most likely, the spark creating Big Bang.
Couple years ago in Antarctica, BICEP2 telescope tracked gravity waves, (like ocean waves)
curved/neverbeforeseen; likely caused by the Big Bang.
It was said, the planets are round due to these waves constantly bombarding them.