Nexus Origin
Just as a real hackers generally don't go around claiming that they are a hacker, those who have a high intellect generally don't go around claiming that they are more intelligent than everyone else. If you honestly were everyone's intellectual superior, you wouldn't have to go around trying to convince everyone that you were, as people would already be aware of it based on your opinions, comments, and actions. The fact that you seem to persist in this manner simply proves that you personally do not believe it to be true, otherwise you wouldn't be spending so much time and effort in trying to convince others of it.
If it weren't against Forum Rules to dox myself, I'd literally post the results of my WAIS I had to take for my psychological testing that shows I scored in the 98th percentile (Which is the cap on the WAIS). Trust, if I wanted to bluff, you wouldn't know I was bluffing.
If you have a problem with me talking about it, then quite honestly, the problem lies with you, as if you really had as high of a self-esteem as you think you do, you wouldn't be taking as big of an issue with it as you have been- just sayin'.
" like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
02-Sep-2017 07:50:19
- Last edited on
02-Sep-2017 07:58:27
Team Skull