However, regardless of being incorrect on that specific point, it still doesn't change the fact that you hold heroin dealers at a higher regard than those whose lives are being destroyed by heroin dealers, which is wrong on so many levels.
How do you know it's wrong?
Team Skull
our pseudointellectual friend Nexus
So you cannot see why it's wrong to hold someone who abuses the lives of others in higher regard that those who are being abused by those people, and you have the audacity to call me "pseudo intellectual"? You literally HAVE to be trolling at this point. No one could honestly be that dense or lacking in morality.
Well, except Antifa... better hope your mom doesn't show up BE4ST...
So you cannot see why it's wrong to hold someone who abuses the lives of others in higher regard that those who are being abused by those people, and you have the audacity to call me "pseudo intellectual"? You literally HAVE to be trolling at this point. No one could honestly be that dense or lacking in morality.
Prove morals exist. Like I said before, and we already established, there are other products people use that harm themselves or others, with similar or higher death counts that are perfectly legal (in most cases higher), yet there's no outrage.
Where's your outrage over the 300k annual deaths in the US due to obesity related illnesses, which dwarfs even the 88k death count due to alcohol? Like I said, you're just as much of a socially conditioned lab rat like the rest of society, taught to believe legal = good and illegal = bad simply on that basis alone.
Well, except Antifa... better hope your mom doesn't show up BE4ST...
My mother already knows I'm a moral nihilist, so yea.
Plus the sheer fact you brought my mother into this tells me you're shook
Did I strike a nerve? Are your walls slowing crashing down on top of you? Is the reality of this situation beginning to hit you like a freight train? That not everything is as clear-cut and utopic as you want it to be?
Trust me bro, it all gets better once you realize morality is nothing more than a safety blanket people use to help themselves sleep better at night. That what is perceived as good and philanthropic is nothing more than an illusion.
" like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
So anyway, my Bowling trip went well. I came 2nd out of 4, which doesn't sound too shabby until I confess our No 1 only rolled 130. Bwahahaha!
Four old ladies making muppets of themselves with gulley shots would have been remarkable years ago but surprised how much things have changed. You don't have to wear bowling shoes any more, anything goes. There are little nets to stop the kids (who fling the ball with an almighty crash, not roll it) from getting it into the gully or next-door lane; there's tall frames that you just point down the lane and shove the ball off of; very (VERY) loud pop music, an enormous arcade of noisy machines right behind the lanes .... gone, it seems, are the days of League Bowling where it was more like going to Church and strict lane etiquette was observed.
I've been invited to the local Equine Gymkhana next week but I'm almost afraid to attend because of what sort of immoderate behaviour might be taking place these days.
My last bowling trip I ended up smashing a bunch of lights with an unfortunately guided shot when the ball struck another ball stuck in the gutter and popped up about 10 feet in the air...
My eyebrows shot almost 10 ft in the air when I was obliged to pay £2.85 for a cup of barely tepid Cappuccino, with no saucer or chocolate powder because they'd run out.
I attempted to bargain down to £2.50, since I was missing 50% of the crockery and some of the ingredients but ... no dice. Pimply youth could only prod the buttons with pictures on, and there wasn't a discount mode. And the Manager was 'at lunch'. *sigh*
Ancient Drew
That feel when you realise you share a species with complete morons as well as pigs. Socially as well as the hygienic kind, the latter of which I see all the time, ranging from throwing full cups of coffee in the bin
Hey, what if the coffee was cold?
Patrolling Lore FC almost makes you wish for a Great Revision.
They could at least have left the cups on the table instead of letting it cause leaks in the bin.
Sorry, it's just that I do cleaning in both my casual post at the leisure centre and my part-time job at night. And I've seen some grimy stuff before.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439
30-Aug-2017 21:20:31
- Last edited on
30-Aug-2017 21:22:15
Ancient Drew